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 Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell

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Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell   Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell Icon-new-badge24/12/2012, 02:20

Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

 Who believes that the famous American actress Kristen Stewart is one of the most beautiful women in the world suffer from the filth and stench and bathe only rarely to the extent that her boyfriend, actor Robert Pattinson has cut his relationship if it did not bother personal cleanliness
This is at least what it unveiled magazine "Klozir" French quoting a friend of Pattinson did not remember his name.

The magazine said, citing the same source that Christine Stewart film heroine Twilight neglected much cleanliness personal that they do not wash their hair but rarely as they do not clean their teeth only once when you wake up in the morning and neglecting cleanliness before bedtime and do not use Albarfan only when out of the house
The source said that Pattinson did not feel with Kristen Stewart cleanliness interest only through their participation in the publicity for the movie Twilight, which is one of the most successful movies that were presented in 2012, pointing out that Stewart resumed again neglecting cleanliness after the court is satisfied to the film's success.
The source did not rule out that decides Pattinson cut his relationship Bstuart if not interested in their cleanliness inside the house because it is the most important thing should be available in women is hygiene.

But the question remains and it is Kristen Stewart actually suffer from dirt or is some kind of revenge resort Pattinson for revenge from Stewart admitted she betrayed with Twilight director Robert Sanders.

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Reasons and details of the separation of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson 2013, fact and details of the smell of Kristen Stewart and why separation of Robert Pattinson 2013, you broke up with Kristen Stewart because smell
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