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 Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS

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Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS   Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS Icon-new-badge28/9/2012, 20:14

Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS

Denied the World Intellectual Property Organization, affiliated to the United Nations, given the cleric Abdul Majid al-Zindani's allegation as "patented the discovery of a cure for HIV AIDS."

This came in a clarification of the organization to a query raised Having said al-Zindani, last Thursday in the "island directly," This organization is granted "a patent" for the treatment of HIV AIDS, who says he reached years ago. He pointed out that the treatment reached him subject to manufacturing, but it is currently working to protect his invention in 185 countries.

The organization said that figure referred to in the Multi-Zindani, is the number under "patent application", does not mean that granted the patent.

The Organization for "News Yemen", an international patent application, his level of patent applications filed in all countries signatory to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). She added that "the responsibility of granting patents specific to the various patent offices in those countries and in the framework of special applications, whether national or regional, and usually published after 18 months from the priority date, but that does not mean marketing any information about patents and integrity", and the applicant must enter students to enroll in the national or regional phase within 30 months from the priority date.

The Organization that "while the PCT does not impose on the patent offices or applicants to inform the International Bureau for developing applications in respect of any stage local, is that the International Bureau receives some information about entries phase of local some offices a number of countries, which What is not in the description of the request Zindani submitted in 2009, and the exact duration of the meet until April 2012, making it lose its impact with the same result as if it had been withdrawn, and in accordance with Article 24 PCT. "

She added: "It is in the Tab did not want to demand the passing locally and nationally, in any country, and did not notify the International Bureau of the earlier", applications are likely to be on the sample did not enter the stage as local patent offices in countries dealing with next to scientific verification.

The al-Zindani, a controversial, and in the context of what he called the winning patented international; said he only succeeded to reach a combination medication derived from herbs eliminate HIV completely, stressing that the credit for this is due to God first, and then the culmination of the experiments carried out on the basis to the scientific miracles and adoption in his research on the prophetic medicine.

He spoke Zindani in a television interview over the "island directly" to his to find a cure for serious disease began 25 years ago in cooperation with the scientific miracles in Saudi Arabia, where he was working at the time, to continue his research at the University of "faith" in Sanaa, headed by that reach treatment.

Not only remarks Abdul Majid al-Zindani on research for the treatment of AIDS, but claimed that it works well as a cure for the failure of the heart muscle, stressing that he had discovered a drug proven effective in the treatment of 10 people, and that the adoption of this treatment can abandon surgical intervention, either for treatment or for heart transplants.

According to Dr. pharmacist Abdul Samad Salahi's "News Yemen" that "it is not necessary to amplify the event or bidding and if he did Sheikh Zindani miracle occur only a prophet, but that the time of the prophets is over." He said that what he did Sheikh al-Zindani is a modest contribution in the process of scientific research.

Added Dr. Salahi: "drugs given to AIDS patients have several mechanisms of action but to now is the treatment of AIDS something like fantasy, but the possibility of prevention became known," noting that "talking about treating HIV is security inspire all scientists and researchers in this area and the cost of research to reach the cure for AIDS is an ambitious and urgent desire sapped a lot of effort and money and time and what currently exists of drugs for the treatment of AIDS is just managment any management of the disease and there is no treatment eradicated the virus. "

He concluded Dr. pharmacist said: "Talk about reaching Sheikh Zindani to a cure for AIDS is a modern nonsense from people who are not aware of actually what is AIDS," adding: "Do not underestimate the value of innovation, but does not mean to specialists in the field of medicine something and I give him is just keeping to his right as the first person studying this plant as a contribution in the treatment of AIDS and not healing. "

According to the information; Valnepth discovered by Sheikh Abdul-Majid called scientifically:

Saussurea lappa Clarke, Aucklandia costus. FalkS

Family: Astraceae

English name: Elecampane, Indian elecampane

Called classical Arabic: Elecampane plant, which already exists in the Himalayas and bottom roots repellent used for worms and expectorant and sedative for pain. Not yet approved the use of therapy the FDA and is not considered treatment candidates and further research needs to be.
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Fact get Zindani patented treat AIDS 2012, the reasons for preventing Property Organization of the United Nations for Zindani patented treat AIDS
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