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 Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012   Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012 Icon-new-badge28/9/2012, 02:35

Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012 Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012 Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012

While the lovers line up the new version of the device "iPhone" in long lines, hoping to buy or even just take a look at it, the U.S. getting rid of it in a strange way immediately after receiving it.

The U.S. in California who أسعفهم luck to obtain a copy of the device opening of its box immediately pick it up and burned in the microwave oven in front of the camera lens, even turning the phone into a mass of flames made ​​it smart device charred piece of junk useless.

All this before the man who dreamed oldest Western on that act to re-burning device to the original unboxing, hoping to sell it on e-sales sites, even at any price.

And here was a surprise when the incident caused by exposure device by raising its price and increase in requests to buy and sell Finally at about $ 3,000.

It also achieved video, which was filmed the incident a large number of hits on "YouTube", either by your iPhone lovers or supporters of rival Samsung Galaxy.

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Photos and video burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012, the reasons for and the details of images burning U.S. the new iPhone 5 and sell it at double the price today 2012
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