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 Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012

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Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012   Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 Icon-new-badge20/6/2012, 06:38

Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 Akharabar the death of Mubarak on Wednesday 20 -6-2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012 news of the death of Mubarak, the details of the death of ousted President Mubarak, Mubarak dies , the death of Mubarak, video death of Mubarak, YouTube, the death of Mubarak's news of the death of Mubarak, the details of the death of ousted President Mubarak, Mubarak dies, the death of Mubarak, video death of Mubarak, YouTube, the death of Mubarak's news of the death of Mubarak, the details of the death of ousted President Mubarak, Mubarak dies, the death of Mubarak, Mubarak's death Video, YouTube, news of the death the death of Mubarak Mubarak, the details of the death of ousted President Mubarak, Mubarak dies, the death of Mubarak, Mubarak's death Video, YouTube, Mubarak's death

Hosni Mubarak's death, the death of Hosni Mubarak, Hosni Mubarak, details of death, news of the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday, 20/5/2012

Latest news the death of Hosni Mubarak Wednesday, 20/6/2012
Latest news the death of Hosni Mubarak Wednesday, 20/6/2012
Latest news the death of Hosni Mubarak Wednesday, 20/6/2012

Learned and the Middle East News Agency, that the former president, Hosni Mubarak, died of "clinical" after his arrival in Maadi Hospital of the Armed Forces on Tuesday evening.

The agency quoted hospital sources responsible, that the heart of Mubarak stop pulse, was subjected to electric shock device more than once, but he did not respond.

And the Middle East News Agency has learned from sources that a doctor, said earlier, that the Gaza prison service has to call the doctors caring for the trapped Mubarak Hospital, Tura prison to help him after suffering a brain stroke, in a rapid deterioration of his health.
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Akharabar the death of Mubarak Wednesday 20/6/2012, the fact that the death of Hosni Mubarak on Wednesday 20/6/2012
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