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 Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 05/10/2012 Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the p

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 05/10/2012   Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the p Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 05/10/2012 Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the p   Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 05/10/2012   Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the p Icon-new-badge11/5/2012, 18:21

Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 5/10/2012 elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and percentage of Egyptians abroad vote on the presidential election on Friday, 10-5 -2012 Egyptians abroad elections Friday 5/10/2012, news, vote and percentage of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 10/05/2012
Began on Friday morning, at the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum, the Egyptians living in Sudan vote in the presidential election, which will continue until next Thursday, the first time that Egyptians abroad in which he can exercise their right in the political election of the President of the Republic.

He said Egyptian Ambassador Abdel-Ghaffar El-Deeb said the voting process begins every day from nine in the morning are Sudan (eighth Cairo time) to eight in the evening, so until next Thursday, pointing out that the election process is done through the presence of the citizen in person to cast his vote at the Sub-Committee of the elections held at the Embassy , under a National ID, and proof of his legitimacy in the Sudan, or the embassy to receive the ballot envelopes from the citizens, whether by mail or hand delivery official of the embassy, ​​with the development of a national figure in the voting envelopes.

It is scheduled to count the votes at the end of the final day to vote inside the embassy through the Chairman and members of the Subcommittee, and the presence of one delegate for each candidate from the presidential candidates, and sent to the State Department, which are handed over to the Supreme Committee for the presidential elections in Egypt.

The Supreme Committee for the presidential elections set to open the door of the vote in the presidential election for Egyptians abroad during the period from May 11 to 17 current, as specified in the event of run-off if necessary that in the period from 3 to 9 June.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the presidential election on Friday 05/10/2012 Elections Egyptians abroad Friday 05.10.2012, latest news and voting rates of Egyptians abroad on the p
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