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 photo Kate Upton’s naked with out clothes

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photo Kate Upton’s naked with out clothes Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: photo Kate Upton’s naked with out clothes   photo Kate Upton’s naked with out clothes Icon-new-badge9/5/2012, 21:04

Kate Upton's appearance at the Met Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Costume Institute on Monday night was supposed to be the bikini model's debut (and possibly transition) into the world of high fashion. The Vogue-hosted gala is the social event of the year. The who's-who of the fashion industry were all in attendance, including Anna Wintour, Gisele Bundchen, Karlie Kloss, Jason Wu and Valentino. Upton was invited by designer Michael Kors to sit at his table alongside Jessica Alba, Hillary Swank and Liu Wen.

However, Kate Upton's first appearance at the Met Gala fell flat. She disappointed many with her ill-fitting dress, overly dark brows and slicked-back hair. Critics roasted the blonde bombshell for her choice of attire, hairstyling and makeup.

"Where did her natural beauty go?" asked the Daily Mail. "Far from proving she has the goods to be a part of the style set, the Sports Illustrated model disappointed on the red carpet with heavy make-up and unnaturally dark eyebrows. Teamed with an almost face-lift inducing tight and slick up-do, the 19-year-old looked more 'playing dress-up' than dressed-up in her gold Michael Kors gown"

Celebrity blogger Perez Hilton added his two cents.

"Don't get us wrong, we love sparkles, shine, and dramatic make-up, but this combination is just not working for us," said Hilton.

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"The Sports Illustrated model wore a long, liquid silver Michael Kors gown that did everything to her body, except flatter her figure. The slicked-back hair, dark eyebrows and lips are just not doing it for us either."

"You're such a pretty girl, Kate," he said, adding, "Next time, $ave your money."

Twitter commenters were none too kind either.

"Kate Upton probably should have skipped the Met Ball," tweeted the I Don't Like You In That Way blog, followed by a scathing post that read: "In what might be the most unflattering picture of Kate Upton ever taken, here she is at the Met Ball last night. She looks like a transvestite who's eaten way too many jalapeno burgers."
Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Cover
Kate Upton Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition Cover

"Kate upton take your clothes off cus you're nothing special at all with them on," tweeted Twitter user Alexandra Heitz.

"Kate Upton was the pick of the fashion misses at the Met Gala," tweeted The Sun Showbiz.

The supermodel's popularity has been soaring into the stratosphere ever since she landed the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover. The Florida native is one of the most-buzzed-about names in the biz right now, from her Carl's Jr. commercial to her Harper's Bazaar spread to her "Cat Daddy" dance for Terry Richardson.

Upton seemed to enjoy her time at the Met Gala with designer Michael Kors, regardless of the criticism over her fashion choice. She asked her Twitter followers which red lipstick she should wear before the event and tweeted photos of Bruno Mars during his performance later that night.

What did you think of Kate Upton's Met Gala style? Take our poll below.

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