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 Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos

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مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos   Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos Icon-new-badge30/4/2012, 04:01

Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos

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Who is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Photo Shokri Mohammed Ghanem is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Photo Shokri Mohammed Ghanem is Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, CV Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Wikipedia Shokri Mohammed Ghanem, Shokri Mohammed Ghanem Photos

Libyan Prime Minister Shukri Mohammed Ghanem, a former

Defected from the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan former during the Revolution and settled in Austria

Shukri Mohammed Ghanem was born in October 9, 1942 in Tripoli, Libya, is a personal economic and political Libyan, served as Secretary of General People's Committee (Prime Minister) of Libya (2003-2005) and Secretary of the Management Committee of the National Oil Corporation (2005 - ..).

Scientific Biography

You'll get:
Bachelor of Economics - University of Benghazi, Libya 1963.
Master in Economics - School P Letcher / Washington, 1972.
Master of Law and Diplomacy - Fletcher School / Washington, 1973.
PhD in Economics - Fletcher School / Washington, 1975
Upgrade to full professor in Economics 1984, P, and the presence of many international and regional conferences of the United Nations and the Arab League and the Organization of African Unity and the OPEC Conference on Trade and Development.
Work in the field of economic consulting and teaching at the university some time sometimes, for a full-time at other times.
[Edit] his posts

Gaddafi's government withdrew from the May 16 and June 1 Join a rebel, saying "fighting the rebels {} for a democratic state." [1]
Secretary of the Management Committee - the National Oil Corporation (2005 - ..).
6/2003 - 3/2006: Secretary of the General People's Committee
12/2001 - 6/2003: Secretary of the General People's Committee for Economy and Trade.
1998 - 2001: Research Director and Acting General Secretary (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Vienna.
1993 - 1998: Director of Research Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Vienna.
1987 - 1993: Professor of Economics University of the Western Mountain / Gheryan.
1984 - 1987: Director, Center for Economic Studies (National Authority for Scientific Research) Tripoli
1982 - 1984: Visiting Academic School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
1977 - 1982: Chief Economist at the Institute of Arab Development
1975 - 1977: Advisor to the Ministry of Oil
1970 - 1975: Director General of Economic Management, Ministry of Oil
1968 - 1970: Director of Marketing and Distribution and a member of the Board of Directors of the NOC
1966-1968: Director of Foreign Trade and Ministry of Economy
1965 - 1966: Vice President of editing and translation, the Libyan News Agency
1963 - 1965: Head of European and American Affairs and the Ministry of Economy / Tripoli
In 1975, Ghanem took over the post of Deputy Secretary in the Ministry of Oil, also issued his first book 'The Pricing of Libyan Crude Oil'.
Between 1982 and 1984, he joined the School of Oriental and African Studies in London as a teacher, and prepared the following under the title of his book: 'OPEC: The Rise and Fall of an Exclusive Club' which was released in Britain.
In 1993, he joined Ghanem Organisation 'OPEC' as an adviser, and then he worked as Director of Research, Acting General Amin.
In 2001, he returned to Libya to work as a minister of the economy before it progresses to the post of prime minister and the Secretariat of the National Oil Corporation.
[Edit] Scientific achievements

[Edit] Arabic books
Libyan economy before oil - Arab Development Institute / Beirut in 1982, P.
Three articles oil - Arab Development Institute / Beirut 1983, P.
Industry in Libya - Industrial Development Organization / Baghdad 1983, P.
Libyan oil and the economy - Arab Development Institute / P Beirut in 1986.
International Economic Relations - Department of Education / P Tripoli in 1988.
[Edit] English Books
1 - The Pricing Of Libyan Crude Oil. Edam Publishers, Malta 1975
2-OPEC, The Rise And Fall Of An Exclusive Club. K.P. Publishers, london, New York
3 - The Petrochemical Industry In The Arab World. National Academy for Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libya 1976
4 - Planning And Development In Modern Libya With Others, Society Of Libyan Studies London 1985.
5 - OPEC, A Cartel Or Group Of Competing Nation.A Chapter In A Book Edited By Prof.Rajaei El - Mallakh. University Of Colorado, Boulder, 1974.
6 - The Paradox Of Con. A Chapter In A Book Edited By Prof.Rajaei El - Mallakh And Others "Energy Conservation", University Of Colorado, Boulder, 1977
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