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 how is davy jones dead and when he die

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مُساهمةموضوع: how is davy jones dead and when he die   how is davy jones dead and when he die Icon-new-badge6/3/2012, 06:11

how is davy jones dead and when he die

how is davy jones dead and when he die

Davy Jones' death last week shocked the world, including one of his biggest fans in Central New York. After all, he looked healthy when he performed just two weeks before at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, N.Y.

Robin Swietoniowski, an Auburn resident and grandmother of five, saw the Monkees singer perform Feb. 17 at the Turning Stone. It was one of his last three concerts before he died 12 days later on Feb. 29 of a heart attack in Florida.

"He was the picture of health," Swietoniowski said about the show in an interview. "He never stopped moving, going from side to side of the stage as he sang, and yes he danced a bit, especially his famous little dance."

She's referring to Jones' signature sashay that made him a teen idol and loved by multiple generations. He would slip his feet around, shake his hips, and snap his fingers in a move now known simply as "the Davy Jones dance."

Jones performed many of the songs that made him a star, including "Daydream Believer," "Valieri," and "It's Nice to Be with You." He also sang "Girl," the tune he famously did on "The Brady Bunch," and an original he wrote himself, "I'll Love You Forever."

"He came out, full of life and vibrant," Swietoniowski said. "He was extremely funny too, a lot of jokes about his age, I was surprised how funny he was. All in all it was a fabulous show full of music, dancing, jokes and just plain fun!"

The CNY native also saw Jones last June at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, when he performed on a reunion tour with original Monkees bandmates Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork and Micky Dolenz. The trip was a 50th birthday gift from her sister, Beckie Castle, and they even got to meet the band backstage. Peter and Davy sang "Happy Birthday" to Swietoniowski and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It was an experience of a lifetime, but she wasn't able to get a photo.

At the Turning Stone show last month, however, she was lucky enough to finally get a picture with Jones and posted it on Twitter. The first photo came out blurry, and a second and a third, but the singer was gracious enough to smile and pose with her until the fourth attempt was a success.

"The next day I sent a tweet thanking him for an awesome concert and for the many tries at the photo and he tweeted back, 'You're very welcome,'" she said.

When Swietoniowski found out Jones died last Wednesday, she was heartbroken.

"My Facebook was filled with thoughts and prayers from everyone at the loss of Davy. People came up to me and hugged me," she said. "It was almost as if I had lost a family member, but everyone knew how much I loved Davy and how special it was to meet him and have my picture with him, a picture I will cherish forever... I will miss him very much, but his music will live on forever."

The singer first rocketed to stardom in the 1960s as a member of The Monkees, a made-for-TV rock band patterned after the Beatles. Jones became a teen idol despite being the shortest at 5-foot-3 and their music endured long after the show ended and the group broke up, thanks to such chart-topping hits as "I'm a Believer" and "Last Train to Clarksville."

An autopsy confirmed that Jones died of a heart attack Wednesday. He was 66.

Helen Kensick, a spokeswoman for the singer, said in a statement that Jones suffered the heart attack when he was in his stable, surrounded by his beloved horses. He was happy in his last days spent with his wife, Jessica Pacheco, and family, the rep said.

A private funeral is planned in Florida, according to The Hollywood Reporter, but no date has been given. Public services to honor the late singer are being finalized for fans in New York and England, Kensick added.

According to the Sun-Sentinel, family asks that contributions be sent to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society or the local chapter in honor of Jones' niece, Deborah Jane Wilkinson, who in 1995 died from the disorder. Jones was an avid supporter of the coalition and helped raise more than $250,000 for the cause in the last 8 years.

» CBS: Davy Jones died of heart attack, according to autopsy
» CNN: Why the Monkees -- and Davy Jones -- should get respect
» NY Daily News: 'Antiques Roadshow' appraiser: Davy Jones, Monkees collectibles will rise in value
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