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 jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012

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jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012   jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012 Icon-new-badge1/3/2012, 21:02

jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012
jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012

. Why Aaharkasias cold in the winter?
"Because he plays ten blankets."

2. If the curtain came down and saw the riyal raises three cups, what will be the name of the movie?
"Mission impossible".

3. Why call Spain circus? :
Because it includes tames of Barça, black and from Bilbao and clowns of the Saudi riyal
(I mean circus tames its need to be black and the clowns)

4. Did you know that they have been granted for two cars Casillas?
Yes 2 Audi A6 (meaning two cars of the Audi A6 type but in the mean readers e 2 of 6).

5. If that Madrid lost in the B 6 2 Go with whom you think it was a sign?
With tennis player Rafael Nadal to rectify it in the second half

************************************************** ******************************

Rave Jokes for Barcelona ..........

- Mauge similarities between Barcelona and children, nursery!!! ...... All of them learn about Badri.

- Brchillona heard the stupid rule says: Foul for Ronaldinho .. He said Brchillona: Tony know that you believe his first name is valid.

Houti Bagm Drink of games, bonuses and urgent of them! , Before the game what Tsentr zero Plenty.

Barsha ends coach talk about the game plan and says: Aashbab without understanding? Defenders and midfielders and strikers, each player knew his mission, and the judgment Flaab free.

• Brchillona Fame, a dream that his team take the tournament deservedly and maturity, the Mvzoa said: "O Allah, make it good."

• Cup of Dalup Barsha lost and trapped him sitting, and one said: "If we meet old prophet," said Albrchillona: "Almighty God for the lost."

• Al Barsha coach says his plan with enthusiasm: "Aashbab Listen, if Jet football with you all of you attacked, and if you all you Jet football goalkeeper caught."

• FIFA Albrchillona new system decides: (the last player is the goalkeeper)

• Brchillona says he loves himself: "Taatzojina apartment and give you a gift," said: "I consent Avatar takes the sweat of his brow Barsha championship," he said, "what works and building full and forget this?".

• Brchillona slippery in the water cycle, raising his hand wanting to Plenty.

• sports analyst in the satellite channel: "Plenty of Barcelona, ​​where the rule will suffice." A member of Brchillona: "Ava, we forget what an analyst Attiynah imminent".

• Old Khuyna commentator always afraid of the press: O cover, the player Brchillona Ichot the top of the Sevilla player, sorry, sorry, I mean the player Albrchillona was confused and chat calculated Korh top player. "

• At Indian held shower games for the bribe-call colleague shouted: "Come Kumar, Indian film Look Nmbr Wen."

• Indian end of the season after sitting crying and says, "salvation sports season, How I Look Indian film, Kues Kter Drink every day a movie ....

• Indians are sitting watching the game film of the Drink and Mstansen Mrrrh halftime Qt and sing: "Drink Costume Valley second team acetic dies."

• Indian Hui says: Why every player Brchillona overthrew the air box, along the whistle rule only gurgle?
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012   jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012 Icon-new-badge1/3/2012, 21:05

هههههههههههههههه اللي بضحك الانجلييزي المكتوووب...سلااامتك ....مشكوور اخووي
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jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012   jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012 Icon-new-badge1/3/2012, 21:08

hahahaha very nice thanks sam
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jokes about barcelona and real madrid 2012
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