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 The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz    The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Icon-new-badge18/1/2012, 22:09

The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz
The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz

There are conflicting reports yesterday evening via Twitter about the death of Prince Badr bin Abdulaziz, the hospital yesterday after being admitted in critical condition
One participant said, that the Prince Badr bin Abdulaziz passes in critical condition and now has a cardiac arrest, while the media said Khalid Matrafi that his condition is stable.

This did not issue until the hour of the news published any statement confirming or denying the news
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz    The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz  Icon-new-badge24/1/2012, 18:04

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The death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz, the details and reasons for the death of Prince Badr bin Abdul Aziz
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