موضوع: اناشيد حضانة - هيك 2011 The Way the Fish Swims 11/11/2011, 21:08
اناشيد حضانة - هيك 2011 The Way the Fish Swims
Popular Arabic Nursery Rhymes "The Way the Fish Swims" Colloquial Traditional Arab Songs on DVD
Arabic nursery rhymes DVD, is a collection of 32 popular children's Arabic rhymes from all over the Arab world. The aim of the project is to preserve these rhymes and make them accessible to the Arab child of today by presenting them in beautifully illustrated board books and as an animated DVD and audio CD. The DVD has Arabic language text dictating all the words to all the rhymes. The language is colloquial Arabic.
Collected from mothers and grandmothers with a new modern look.
The collected rhymes were categorized according to subjects and presented in three beautifully illustrated board books. A DVD and audio CD were produced to give the modern day child the complete audio visual experience. We hope that these rhymes will bring joy to children and become part of their childhood memories so that they in turn will pass them on to the next generation.
Producers: Alsalwa Books and Media Plus productions
Language: Colloquial Arabic
"I bought the complete set of Arabic Nursery Rhymes with the DVD for my son's birthday and from then on the DVD is the only thing that keep my 3 kids quiet and the audio CD is what ensures that our car rides are peaceful and free from fights! We've used the audio CD so much that we need to get more copies to ensure that our house is never free of music! Thank you from bringing these old classics back to life!" Mais
"Khaled is refusing to move. He is sitting on the floor, wearing a Tarboosh, clapping, singing, and dancing to Ahazeej. Tanah & Leen just joined him. We all raise our hats to you." Hala Bint Khaled
"I want to commend you on this fabulous body of work which was much in demand, especially by people like us, expats who live in a multicultural society where Arabic is forgotten." Iman Annab
"Faris loves Hijallah and laughs out loud, he now anticipates the last part and starts laughing well before..." Umm Faris
"My daughter is too young to sing along to Ahazeej but her face lights up whenever I put it on tv and she dances to it when it's on in the car. Finally there's an Arabic option for great nursery rhymes our kids can grow up to. Thank you!" Dina A. Tabbaa
"Lulwa has been reciting the turtle song, Fares has learnt it by heart too and so had their cousin... and they are craving for more!" Zeyna Al Jabri
"أهازيج الطفولة المبكرة" هو مشروع ريادي يهدف للحفاظ على تراث أدب الأطفال الشفوي من الضياع بسبب العولمة والإهمال وعرضه بشكل متكامل حديث يناسب العصر ويخاطب ذوق طفل القرن الواحد والعشرون.
وقد قمنا بجمع الاهازيج على مدى سنوات من الجدات والأمهات والأصدقاء وعملنا على إختيار المناسب منها لتبويبه. تم بعدها إختيار وإعداد 32 أهزوجة أخرجت بثلاث كتب مصورة برسومات فنية رائعة تجذب الأطفال والكبار.
يرافق الكتب قرص مدمج يعرض الأهازيج مغناة حتى يسهل على الأهل والطفل حفظها والاستماع لها في أي مكان يختارون. وتم إخراج DVD للأهازيج محركة ومغناة حتى نوفر للأطفال والأهل عدة وسائل حديثة ومحببة لديهم لعرضه.
نرجو أن يساهم هذا المشروع في حفظ وإعادة الحياة لهذه الأهازيج القديمة حتى لا تضييع في تسارع الحياة.
العلامات: Arabic children's video kids cartoon cartoons children Learn numbers alphabet letters counting baby Einstein arabic animals shapes colors dvd movie toddler babies music songs nursery rhymes bilingual language multicultural kid educational islam quran lessons lesson colloquial Lebanese standard fusha classical Arabic Nursery Rhymes Al Salwa
موضوع: رد: اناشيد حضانة - هيك 2011 The Way the Fish Swims 13/11/2011, 01:40
اناشيد حضانة - هيك 2011 The Way the Fish Swims تسلمى ياسمين كتير بنحتاجها للاطفال فى الروضة
Jasmine collar
موضوع: رد: اناشيد حضانة - هيك 2011 The Way the Fish Swims 13/11/2011, 02:02