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 برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011   برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011 Icon-new-badge12/10/2011, 02:01

برنامج Skype برنامج محادثة مجانى و ممتاز للتخاطب على الانترنت هو فى الاساس استخدم للهاتف ولكن طور الى الاستخدام عبر الانترنت حيث يتمتع بمزايا تماثل برامج المحادثة الاخرة وتفوق عليها فى درجة وضوح الصوت والكاميرا بأعتباره برنامج تليفونى

Feel closer with voice and video calls

Get the new Skype for Windows on your computer.

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Communicate, collaborate, compete.

The must-have headset
Custom-built to work with Skype – at a price you can afford.

Long gone are the days when you’d have to save up for weeks to make a long distance or international phone call. Thanks to Voice over IP technology and the widespread availability of broadband it’s now possible to talk free of charge to anyone in the world.

Skype has made the technology accessible to all through it’s simple and fun-to-use chat-style interface. The program is gaining in popularity, meaning the community of users you can chat to for free is expanding. This update certainly contains some decent additions to the previous version, most notably its webcam facilities. This means you can now watch your buddies as you chat to them and let them see you if you want.

You can use the program to chat with other Skype users anywhere in the world for free either via telephone or the built-in chat feature. However, some overly optimistic users may be disappointed to learn that you still need to pay for credits to make calls to landlines and mobiles with Skype, through the SkypeOut function. Luckily, this is a very painless process, and Skype has recently added a plethora of different ways to pay.

The program is perhaps even easier to use than ever, with streamlined new tools such as the ability to add a contact from the main Skype window and contact grouping for arranging your friends, family and colleagues into categories. You can even import contacts from Outlook, and find out if any of these use Skype. The changes to the interface and its icons may confuse existing users for a while, but once you get used to it, the new GUI is arguably more intuitive than ever.

As we’ve come to expect there’s plenty you can do other than just having a two-way conversation with a friend, including inviting other users into a conference, setting up chatrooms, exchanging files, and viewing the history of your contacts. You can even set up customized voicemail to record messages while you’re away from base.


· Make free calls to anyone else on Skype, anywhere in the world
· See who you are talking to with free video calls
· Chat with up to 100 people in group chats
· Conference call with up to four people for free
· Call ordinary phones with SkypeOut
· Superior sound quality
· Works with all firewall, NAT and routers ? nothing to configure!
· Friends list shows you when your Skype friends are online and ready to talk or chat
· Super-simple and easy to use
· Your calls are encrypted “end-to-end” in order to safeguard your privacy
· Based on cutting edge peer-to-peer technology developed by the creators of Kazaa and Joltid

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011   برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011 Icon-new-badge12/10/2011, 02:02

تحميل برنامج Skype

مشكور يوسف على برنامج سكايبي 2011
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
يوسف علاوي

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برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011   برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011 Icon-new-badge12/10/2011, 02:26

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برنامج Skype برنامج سكاي بي 2011
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