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  جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


 جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman    جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman Icon-new-badge11/9/2011, 05:08

جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Mashiro, a junior high school student, content to live out a relatively
normal life as any other does, is persuaded by his classmate, Akito
Takagi, to become an aspiring mangaka when the latter realizes his
natural talent as an artist. However, Moritaka is reluctant to pursue
his dream as his uncle, once a mangaka with his own serializations,
died from overwork trying to regain his lost status. With Akito’s help,
Takagi gets another classmate and his school crush, Azuki Miho, who is
an aspiring voice actress, to voice in the anime adaptation of their
future manga once it is completed. However, Mashiro also proposes to
Azuki, who surprisingly accepts only on the condition she will marry
him when both of them have achieved their dreams. With a goal set
before him, Mashiro begins a long and struggling path to become a
famous mangaka. -- ANN

Bakuman, stylized as Bakuman。 (バクマン。) is
a shōnen manga written by Tsugumi Ohba and drawn by Takeshi Obata. The
series follows talented artist Moritaka Mashiro and aspiring writer
Akito Takagi, two ninth grade boys who wish to become mangaka.
first chapter was released in Japan on August 11, 2008, serialized in
the magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump. The first volume was released on
January 5, 2009, and as of 4 August 2010, nine volumes have been
released. During the first two weeks of its release, the first volume
placed fourth and ninth in manga sales in Japan. It is also the first
manga released online by Shueisha in multiple languages before becoming
available in print outside of Japan. At San Diego Comic-Con
International 2009, Viz Media announced they had licensed the series
for their Shonen Jump imprint. -- Wikipedia

Genres: comedy, drama, romance
Total Episode: 25
Year of Publish: 2010
Anime Production by : J.C. Staff

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]
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 جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman    جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman Icon-new-badge11/9/2011, 15:22

جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
جميع حلقات مسلسل الانمى الدرامى الرومانسى الكوميدى Bakuman
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