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 برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع   برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Icon-new-badge20/8/2011, 05:53

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
الحمد الله حمدا كثير طيبا مباركا فيه ملئ السموات والأرض وبعد :-

Aspicore GSM Tracker v3.26.1135 S60v3 v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x Signed Incl. Keygen-FoXPDA
برنامج تعقب المواقع GSM Tracker v3.26.1135

صورة البرنامج
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

الوصف باللغه الانجليزيه:-
GSM Tracker is an S60 application, which makes the smartphone into a
real-time AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) tracking device. The
application determines the location with a built-in GPS (or Bluetooth
GPS receiver) and transmits the tracking data to a server in real-time
through a cellular packet data connection.

The product is intended for fleet tracking, field force automation or personal location tracking.
Would you like to...

  • View the whereabouts of your entire fleet from your desktop?
  • Know the closest vehicle or technician to the next job site?
  • Access yesterday's detailed route history for every vehicle in your fleet?
Want to protect your Nokia device against theft?

With a system based on Aspicore GSM Tracker, you can!
Now compatible with GpsGate.com service - Free Online position sharing

What does the application do?

Cost-effective and efficient tool to track locations of mobile phones.
GSM Tracker is an S60 application, which makes the smartphone into a
real-time AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) tracking device.

application determines the location with a built-in GPS (or Bluetooth
GPS receiver) and transmits the tracking data to a server in real-time
through a cellular packet data connection.

System description and purpose

server stores the received tracking data into a SQL database. The data
can be visualized with simple map software, (e.g. Google Earth) or it
can be linked to a professional fleet management system or a mobile
workforce management system.

users can use Aspicore GSM Tracker for personal location tracking. They
can e.g. automatically publish their current location and daily track
on their web page. They can recover a lost GPS phone through an SMS


is fast and reliable and costs are low, because the application uses
packet data transfer technology and a very compact messaging protocol.
The latency between the actual GPS position fix and data receive event
in the server is normally only a few seconds.

The locations obtained are accurate, because the system uses a real GPS, not network based positioning.
You do not need to pay monthly fee or per-transaction fee for the location requests.
The mobile hardware installation is very easy.


don't even need necessarily to have as many GPS receivers as tracked
mobile phones, if a lower accuracy suffices and there are only a few
places or standard routes you want to have recognised. The location of
the mobile phone can also be determined by the network cell id.

can configure the timers and events, which trigger the data send action.
Usually the data is sent in a compact UDP datagram, only a little over
100 packet data bytes per message. This means that the data transfer
costs are minimal compared to e.g. SMS.

Location tracking system

central database can be a powerful SQL engine, which handles hundreds of
mobile tracking targets. The database accumulates position data from
the mobile phones being tracked. Each record in the database is
identified by the IMEI code of the phone the data belongs to.

you are not using a GPS receiver, you must first create a mapping from
the network cell ID to a geographical location. Unless you get the cell
id location lists from your mobile operator, you can collect the data
yourself by driving around the places you want to have recognised by the
system and have Aspicore GSM Tracker and a GPS receiver to record the
latitude and longitude of the network cells.

the system is eventually being used, the mobile will report its network
cell information to the system server by using Aspicore GSM Tracker. The
server compares the network cell information to the accumulated data
and converts it to an estimated geographical location. This way you can
track your sales representatives, delivery men, children etc without
them needing to carry a GPS receiver with them.

How to evaluate?

central database solution is not included, but customers can use
Aspicore's test server in the Internet for evaluation and testing. The
test server can also be used to evaluate the network cell based
positioning. Collect first the cell locations along your daily routes
with a Bluetooth GPS and then try positioning without a GPS receiver!
This is a more affordable and a real-time alternative to operator based
mobile phone positioning.

Server interface and tools

GSM Tracker sends data to the server as plain ASCII characters in an
UDP datagram or a TCP message. You can write the receiving end program
yourself by using IP sockets, if you wish. You are free to use the
sample Perl scripts or Java code to process the UDP datagrams and store
them to a MySQL database. See Aspicore's web site. Http data can be
processed as shown in our PHP and ASP samples. There is a freeware
Windows .NET PC utility to receive NMEA datagrams via UDP and send them
to a standard GPS mapping program through a COM port.

Ltd is willing to provide you with the data collection database server
software or to assist you to integrate the Aspicore GSM Tracker solution
into your enterprise system. Refer to Aspicore web site for a demo of
smartphone real time location data integrated with Microsoft MapPoint
.NET Web Service.


  • Includes refined power save, support for Nokia Touch UI and GpsGate "TrackerOne" protocol.
يتيح لك هذا التطبيق تعقب المواقع بواسطة هاتفك المحمول ..

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع   برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Icon-new-badge20/8/2011, 18:21

عن جد رائع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع   برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع Icon-new-badge9/9/2011, 02:17

برنامج تعقب المواقع GSM Tracker v3.26.1135
برنامج تعقب المواقع GSM Tracker v3.26.1135
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
برنامج تتبع وتحديد الموقع لموبايل رائع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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