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 First 5 LA awards

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مُساهمةموضوع: First 5 LA awards   First 5 LA awards Icon-new-badge20/8/2011, 02:21

First 5 LA awards Valley Presbyterian Hospital $500,000 to improve breastfeeding rates
Published on August 19, 2011 at 8:25 AM · No Comments


First 5 LA announced today that it is awarding a grant of nearly $500,000 to Valley Presbyterian Hospital to improve the nutrition and health of the hospital's youngest patients by developing and maintaining policies and procedures to encourage increased breastfeeding among mothers of newborns.

With studies showing breastfeeding provides significant health benefits for women and their children, the three-year grant will enable Valley Presbyterian Hospital to provide intensive training, new procedures and other changes aimed at encouraging more mothers of newborns to rely exclusively on breast milk to nourish their babies.

"We thank First 5 LA for its recognition of our leadership in this field and for this generous grant to improve breastfeeding rates among the hospital's patients," said Gustavo Valdespino, President and CEO of Valley Presbyterian Hospital. "With nearly 5,000 babies delivered at Valley Presbyterian Hospital every year, this initiative will help us make significant strides in improving the health of the community, reducing medical costs and strengthening the bonds between mother and child."

A January 2011 report from the California Women, Infants, and Children program and the University of California, Davis Human Lactation Center found Los Angeles County ranks 43rd in the state for exclusive breastfeeding. Only about a third of women in Los Angeles County rely solely on breast milk to nourish their newborns, despite research showing significant health benefits for mother and child and reductions in healthcare costs.

Researchers have found breastfeeding improves health outcomes by reducing children's risks for acute infections and sudden infant death syndrome, as well as chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes and obesity. Women who breastfeed may also have lower rates of diabetes and breast or ovarian cancers.

"For many women, the hospital is the only source of breastfeeding support and education, underscoring the importance of improving the way hospitals and birth centers provide assistance, encouragement and support for breastfeeding," said Evelyn V. Martinez, Chief Executive Officer for First 5 LA. "Our goal is to help change the system so that hospitals and the general public work together to empower mothers to achieve the best infant feeding practices."
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: First 5 LA awards   First 5 LA awards Icon-new-badge20/8/2011, 15:44

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