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 اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه   اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه Icon-new-badge14/8/2011, 11:12

Adrenaline __ increase the speed & the force of muscle contraction of heart.
Aminophylline __ bronchodilator.
Aldactone __ increase the level of K.
Aspirin __anticoagulant (to prevent clotting) ,, anti platelet .
Angiogenesis __ increase renal blood flow.
Atropine __ anti spasmodic , anti cholinergic.
Aspegic __ anti pyretic , analgesic.
Aallerfin __anti histamin.
Ampicillin __ antibiotic.
Aldalat __ to decrease BP.
Atenolol (Tenormen) __ to decrease BP.
Aldomet __ to decrease BP.

Buscopan __ antispasmodic.
B-complex __ multiple vit.

Calcium Gluconate __ to increase blood Ca.
Capoten __ to decrease BP.
Claforan (Rocephin) __ antibiotic.
Clexane __ anti coagulant ,, to prevent DVT.
Carvedilol __ for combination therapy in the treatment of HTN & CHF.
Chlorothiazide __ diuretic.
Calcium channel blockers __ to decrease heart rate if tachy cardia.
Caltrate __ Ca + vit D ( for osteoprosis).

Dalacin __ antibiotic.
Dopamine _ to increase BP.
Diazepam (valium) __ sedation ,, to decrease anxiety.
Digoxin __ help heart to beat more strongly and regularly.
Daiovan __ to decrease BP.
Dexamethazone __ steroidal anti inflammatory.
Diclofenac __ analgesic.

Flagyl __ anti protozoal ,, anti bacterial.
Fefol __ Iron.
Folicron __ folic acid + iron.

GTN(Nitroglycerin) __ coronary vasodilator.
Glucophage __ oral anti diabetic.

Hydrocortisone __ anti histamin ,, anti inflammatory.
Heparin __ anti coagulant.

Isordil __ vasodilator.

Keflex __ anti biotic.

Lincocin __ anti biotic.
Lasix __ diuretic.
Lipitor __ lipid ,, cholesterol.
Lepresor __ to decrease BP.
Losec __ anti acid.
Laxocodyl __ stool softener.

Morphine __ pain relief.

Novalgin __ analgesic
Neurobion (vit B1 +B6 +B12)
Nitroglycerine __ vasodilator.
Norvasc __ to decrease BP.
Nootropil __ to increase blood supply to brain.

Procain/Penicillin __ antibiotic.
Penedure __ antibiotic.
Phenergan __ anti allergic ,, antiemetic.
Primperan __ antiemetic.
Piriton __ anti histamin.
Perfalgan __ anti pyretic.
Pethidin __ narcotic ,, analgesic.
Proprandol __ to slow heart rate / to decrease BP& to decrease strengh of cardiac contraction therapy.
Penicillin crystalline __ long acting antibiotic.
Profen __ analgesic.

Rocephen __ antibiotic.
Reparil __ to reduce swelling (herbal).
Sodium Bicarbonate __ anti acid.

Tramal __ analgesic.
Tenormin (atenolo) __ for MI / HTN /chronic angina.
Thiazide __ diuretic.
Tazocin __ antibiotic.
Tegretol __ for epilepsy.
Tenoretic __ to decrease BP. (HTN).

Voltaren (olfen) _ non steroid compound with rheumatic ,, anti inflammatory ,, analgesic.
Vit K __ fat soluble vit ,, blood clotting factor.
Vit C __ for hemorrhage ,, cell production.
Vramin __ antibiotic.

Warfarin __ anti coagulant.

Xcilazapril __ anti lipidemic.

Zantac (Ranitidine) __ anti acid.
Zinacef __ anti inflammatory.
Zestril __ anti hypertensive.
Zyrtic __ anti histamine.
Zordyl __ mouth wash
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه   اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه Icon-new-badge14/8/2011, 14:07

اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه
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اسماء بعض الادويه المهمه
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