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 Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner

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Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner    Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner  Icon-new-badge15/10/2012, 03:06

Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner
Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner
Felix Baumgartner (English: Felix Baumgartner); 20 April 1969 -), an Austrian astronaut. Born in Salzburg, Austria, an Austrian hopped umbrellas, best known for his works dangerous stunts during his career, spent most of his life in the Austrian army, where he was parachuting exercise, including landing on the territory of the narrow space.
His life

His record jumped from short distances record figure in the Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur. Baumgartner is the first person to parachute jumps across the English Channel using Ajnahh specially made of carbon fiber. Owns Felix also a measure of jumping from the statue of Christ in Rio de Janeiro. Success in the wilderness, and achieved the standard 3 numbers.

On the fourteenth day of October 2012, breaking the record Felix jumping from space, where jumped out of the capsule filled with helium from a height of 128,000 feet breaking the "Joe Chetinr" struck in 1960 from a height of 102.800 feet.

The "Felix" rose to the level required outside the atmosphere in the two and a half hours, while the fall lasted only 4 minutes and 19 seconds.
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Who is Felix Baumgartner, CV Felix Baumgartner, Photo Felix Baumgartner, Wikipedia Felix Baumgartner
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