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 Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012

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Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012   Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Icon-new-badge1/10/2012, 06:17

Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

Crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon for the year 2012 and replaced her twin sister and runner first ceremony in organized "Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation International" and was held on the stage of Blatya in Jounieh area "East Beirut" for the first time participate sisters are twins in the Miss Lebanon since its inception in 1953.

Sheibani received one of the city of Zahle in eastern Lebanon, the crown of Miss Lebanon 2011 Yara Khoury Mikhael, while runners-up first twin sister Romy Sheibani, and Christelle Lutfi and second runner-up.

The queen, who was chosen from among 16 boys post ranged in age between 18 and 24 years old engineering student in the fifth year of internal in USEK length of 178 centimeters and weighs 54 kilograms either her twin sister Romy charge the vacation in the science of nutrition and public health from the same university.

And got the queen in addition to the title and the crown on the gift of cash worth 50 million Lebanese pounds, "about 33 thousand dollars" and prizes worth over Alkhmsmih thousand dollars, including apartments and a sports car and a studded with diamonds, and beauty products for a full year and a sitting room and clothes.

The ceremony was held in the presence of a crowd of political and media figures, technical, social and live by Lebanese artists Wael Kova and Confidential Egyptian people and took submission Rola Bahnam anchorwoman.

The jury included Queen chose nine members from different fields, including former Miss Universe Lebanese Georgina Rizk, The contest is divided into two phases, the first chosen بنتيجتها ten girls, then five of them qualified for the final stage.

And passed posts in front of the jury bathing suits and evening dresses. Sheibani responded to a question unified face to the five contestant who competed in the final stage is "who lead Alakharalgamal or culture?" Saying: "Beauty is important, of course, which is almost the key to everything."

She added: "beautiful and cultured human person stands out distinctly in society and prove himself a better way."

They believed that "the meeting of beauty and culture is a good thing, but the man who did not gods beautiful and able to educate and develop themselves can reach any center wants" The queen, who wore a black dress and grabbed However her twin sister said before winning it, "live the most beautiful feeling."

Download the Miss Lebanon title this year "to back the good old days" and reverse this return address and the Ministry of Tourism to oversee the contest after this task was previously a special committee.

The public participated this year through my site "Twitter" and "Facebook" on the Internet by asking questions on the contestant chose Almadon one question posed by introduction ceremony on one of the contestant.

It is assumed that participates Queen elected in global beauty contests and the most prominent of the Miss Universe contest won by the Lebanese Georgina Rizk in 1971 and Miss World contest
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Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012   Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Icon-new-badge1/10/2012, 16:36

Thanks Princiess
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Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012   Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012 Icon-new-badge5/1/2013, 17:43

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Photos of Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo Lebanese Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012, Photo crowned Miss Lebanon 2012, YouTube crowned Reina Sheibani Miss Lebanon 2012
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