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 Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee   Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee Icon-new-badge11/12/2011, 19:59

Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee
Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee
Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee
Cindy Lee, aged 30 years, she ran by in the French presidential elections of 2002 and 2007 but failed to get the necessary five hundred signatures from local deputies to get the card to run.

The Cindy Lee has nominated itself in the local elections held in 2003 for the Paris region and got a rate of 1.8 percent, a small percentage relative to that obtained by the parties of the French major, but considered it an encouraging start, especially as she was then more than 22 years.

اقراء المزيد: http://www.irbidworld.com/t131696-topic#ixzz1gE6w3M2J
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee   Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee Icon-new-badge12/12/2011, 21:07

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Who is Cindy Lee Biography Cindy Li and Akiiedia picture of Cindy Lee
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