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  The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt

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 The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt    The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Icon-new-badge28/11/2011, 06:14

The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt
Statement numbers of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all the provinces of Egypt today 22/10/2011

Adviser Abdul Moez Ibrahim, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for the elections, the number who have applied to contest the next parliamentary elections since the opening of the door to run until today were 5404 candidates for seats in individual constituencies and 228 party list, and so for the parliamentary elections, 1352 candidates individually and 102 party list elections for the Shura Council.

The chancellor said Ibrahim Abdel Moez - in a statement this evening - Those who filed to run for parliamentary elections, 809 candidates stood for individual seats and 85 party list, while the total for the Shura 363 candidates for individual seats and 47 party list.

And was at the top of political parties, which made ​​its lists partisan elections, the People's Assembly and Shura Council, parties (freedom and justice) and (conservatives) and (justice) and (Egyptian Liberal) and (Egypt Revolution) and (Arab for justice and equality) and (Egypt National) and (equality and development) and (light) and (Egyptian-Arab Union) and (tomorrow) and (AK) and (reform and development) and (Union) and (delegation).
Publicly, Dr. Nihad Qasim Amin Party of Freedom and Justice in Beni Suef, the names of party candidates in the province, and the list included the First Circuit, based in the police station of Beni Suef and includes (center Wasti, Nasser Center, Bandar and the center of Beni Suef, the center of Ahnasia) and includes 8 candidates, led by Dr. Hamdi Hussein Mohamed Abdel Gawad (categories), Abdul Rahman Shukri Abdul Rahman (farmer) Captain farmers of Egypt, Dr. Mahmoud Saber Abdel Jawad Alam (categories), and Dr. Mahmoud Saber, Hussein Sami Muhammad Yunus Jadallah (farmer) and Dr. Hussein Muhammad Yunus, Fatima Mahmoud Mohamed Abdul Hafeez (categories), Mohammed Marzouk, Hassan Marzouk (workers), Taha Fahmi Abdul Rauf Abdullah (categories), Hussain Sayed Mahmoud Ali Hassan Abu Shadi (workers), and the second list based police department BPA components of the circuit Center (BPA, the al, Samasta ) and co-chaired Saad Abdel Wahid Aboud pole (categories) and the famous Party MP Saad Abboud, former dignity, Farouk Abdel-Hafiz al-Mati Congratulations (workers), Fauzi Abdul Rahman Mohammed Hassan (categories), Hoda Abdel-Samad needles Hem Ramadan (workers).

Either individual names from the party the first circle (Bender and center, Beni Suef, Ahnasia) Jabir Ahmad Mansour Abdel Wahab (categories), Younis Sarhan, Hussein Hassan (workers), the second district (center of the middle, the center of Nasser) Muhamed Abdul Baqi Mihoub Deeb (categories) former Deputy Brotherhood, Abdel-Halim Abdel-Azim Abdel-Azim (workers).

The Third Circuit (Biba, the al-Center, Center for Samasta) Dr. Nihad Mr. Qasim Abdul Khader al-Wahhab (categories) Secretary of the Party of Freedom and Justice in Beni Suef, Abdul-Qader Abdul-Wahab Abdul Qadir (workers).

Came a list of the Shura Council as follows: Dr. Khalid Ahmed on (categories) and the famous Dr. Khalid Mr. Naji, Abdel-Rahman, Muhammad Ibrahim (workers), Dr. Samia Ahmed Marina Alhqry (categories), Ahmed Azouz Hassanein Abdel-Nabi (peasant), a captain farmers of Egypt in Beni Suef, and Dr. Nihad denominator Secretary of Party of Freedom and Justice in Beni Suef on the need for concerted efforts to bring about real change and pointed to the need to uphold the interests of the nation and build a nation living in which people of all sects in Egypt, beating heart of Arabism and Islamic civilization and stressed that there are hopes pinned on at that moment and beyond.

The denominator at a conference of freedom and justice hall for the nights of Beni Suef on Thursday afternoon to announce its candidates that the current stage would not be carried out by a faction alone, and by honest home individually and collectively in the spirit of the revolution, and emphasized that freedom and justice presented its candidates and their previous experience along with a number of public figures who presented to function through freedom, justice and the Democratic Alliance to confirm that we are building a home and we are all toward the goal of one coalition of all towards this goal, and emphasized that the candidates up for fear of security practices that we have seen, by and appeals, the matter was not spared, and Abdel-Rahman Shukri captain peasants of Egypt and the candidate list freedom and justice that the people of Egypt to continue his revolution, which is a true expression and the first round of the Party of Freedom and Justice is the choice of real representatives of the people of Egypt and we peasants represent 43% of the people of Egypt after it was several sectors in oblivion, and added, for this purpose we are going to be our representatives in the Parliament, while Mohamed Shaker Deeb former member of the People that Egypt lived days of oppression and we as members for the 2005 session we have suffered the most injustice and suffering and have suffered all of Egypt.

The names of candidates for election to parliament and the Shura Council 2011 in Port Said on 22/10/2011
View on: 10-22-2011 time: 09:44 PM

Saw the General Committee to receive nomination papers on the seat People's Assembly and Shura Council in Port Said, crowded very unprecedented counterpart since it began opening for the introduction of the candidates, where the influx of large numbers of the symbols of the National Party dissolved the party lists for the seats of the people "categories" are: Mohamed Abdel-Fattah Zeiny a National symbols dissolved in the City of Port Fouad, Mohamed Kamal Abdel-Wahab, a seat on "workers", Amal Kamil Abdel Samad, Mohamed Mahran, Abdel-located.

It also provides leaves his candidacy on the list of consultation "categories", Yahya Mohamed Abdel-Rahman, Praia, Mohamed Abdel-Halim Aman, Mohammed Mr. Ajami, and Nahid Atta Mohammed Atta on the seats of "workers", while the Issam Hussein Tabi "categories", Muhammad Ali Thomas, the famous b Mohammad Thomas, the individual seats of the Shura of the Conservative Party.

On the other hand I learned the "seventh day", that Haitham Hamid Shenawy Secretary of the Conservative Party is the son of Hamid Shenawy a symbol of political and popular patriotic disbanded, and former Deputy for the Department of the Arabs and the suburbs, the south and Chairman of the Plan and Budget Council local People to keep and chairman of the village of Nawras tourist and a member former director, who now runs the Conservative Party behind the scenes, which includes the National dissolved.

HD on the third day to receive requests for those interested in the nomination for election to the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Cairo, its position as the object Court of New Cairo demand is very weak, which has not received the Commission to run for parliament, only 20 candidates on the individual lists, including three women and a Copt named Hanna Ibrahim Hanna Bible while absent parties for the third day to receive requests for progress on the party lists, and most applicants to stand for the people of Jamal Hanafi, independent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he has to pay the fees had not completed procedures for nomination for not carrying papers eligible school and Hesham Soliman for Heliopolis (the remnants of the National Party), while attended by just two of the interested in presenting their papers to run for the Shura Council elections on individual lists are Akkad, Ahmed Abdel Moneim Hussein disappeared while on a pre-emptive also parties for party lists.
Candidates on the individual seats were mostly from the remnants of the National dissolved and some young people who had the chance nomination after reducing the age of candidacy from 30 to 25 years, and are political parties in the preparation of lists of the pressure of fighting against some former deputies on party leaders to put them at the forefront of the electoral lists in addition to that there are other parties are still looking for candidates from the owners of the People to put on party lists under a state of fear of not achieving positive results in this election, since there are lists of religious currents being set up in full swing in different cities and sections of the province, where the expanding religious movement in most areas unprecedented them at the forefront of applying for those elections.
Giza yesterday and saw low turnout did not exceed 21 candidates on individual seats, a Mavsrh advisers Rushdi Ammar, head of the Commission received requests for people and Usama Shahin, Chairman of the Advisory Committee has received requests for belief that the candidates on a Friday holiday.
In Alexandria, with the third day of nomination and nomination papers for election to the People's Assembly and Shura Council and despite the ongoing work of the judiciary committees and the Court of Alexandria Elementary headed by Justice Massad Abu Sada, President of the Court received the nomination papers on Friday, the turnout was very weak and confined to the progress of the Chambers only individual and the continued absence of party lists, whether in the election of the people received and the Shura Council, where the Judicial Committee of the people, headed by Judge Ahmad Jamal 11 candidates taking the total to 130 applicants while candidate received the Judicial Committee of the Shura, headed by Judge Hassan Mahmoud 3 candidates, bringing the total applicants to 31 candidates.
While negotiations are continuing political parties, particularly in determining the first five names in the lists to postpone the parties submit lists and there were leaks on the progress of the political wing party, the light of the current Salafist today lists soon.
In Qena, saw the third day of nomination papers provide significant acute confusion in the lists disappeared from the nominations for the parties to date, have not been to any of the parties to their lists before the Court of Appeal until this moment. As presented yesterday the first lady Qena candidature papers, a morning Mohamed Gad Karim workers independently and also offers three other independents to the people, and learned of «Al-Ahram» that lead to a confusion occurred within the Freedom Party because of the lack of agreement on the list of North Qena after news of the separation of Major-General Khaled Khalaf Allah for party lists, which triggered controversy the past few days after the organization of the Conference of the remnants of the Naga Hammadi, National. The lists of the delegation and the freedom and reform and development is the most competitive in the corridors until the moment due to internal information on the annexation of the leaders of the dissolved National, which have the force of fierce tribal.
In Damietta, the number of candidates for parliamentary elections in Damietta to 12 candidates after the offer on the third day of five candidates to contest the election on the individual system, as provided in the previous two days, 61 candidates, while the first candidate for the Shura Council elections on the individual system, while under the list system for elections to both houses without candidates so far, the Commission received honorable to accept the credentials of candidates applying for election to the People's Assembly headed by Justice Farag Moussa, President of the Court of Appeal nomination papers of five candidates, namely d for the first circle. The opinion «categories», Mohamed Mr. Abou Moussa «workers» for Freedom and Justice party and Mr. Reedy «groups» and the second circle are two candidates: Mohamed Filahjy «categories» Party of freedom and justice, Mohamed Salah Imam «categories» While the Commission received honorable to accept the credentials of candidates for elections to the Shura, headed by Judge Khalid Ganzoury nomination papers of the safety spring «categories» the individual to become the first candidate of the Shura in Damietta.
In Ismailia, saw the third day to open the door for nomination for election to the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Ismailia turnout is limited by the candidates, where candidates did not file but only the people to Friday prayers, while no one is coming to the June elections. It is expected to apply the Wafd Party today Bakaúmth in the elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council, while waiting for the Brotherhood to resolve the form of the list in the framework of ongoing negotiations between the various political forces and become certain that pays Brotherhood Dr. Hamdi Ismail, Secretary General of the Party of Freedom and Justice in Ismailia and a member of parliament in 2005 on top of the list.
In Sohag, and out of the court complex has received nominations for elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Sohag Governorate, where the number of applicants for nomination for membership of the People's Assembly on the third day and reached 5 candidates until one o'clock at noon did not submit any candidate for membership of the Shura Council.
Among the applicants for membership of the People's Assembly, Mr. Nureddin Mahmoud Badri Mr. Abdulhai and Hassan Mohamed Ali and Kadri behind Abdullah and Nasri Abdel Aal on did not make any of the parties, lists of their candidates did not witness the third day of nomination made any lady at the county level since progress emotions Taha Abdullah (workers) to run for Council people on the first day.
In Mansoura, made yesterday 21 candidates a new parliamentary elections for the seats of individual circles Adakklheh six, including three of the leaders of Party of Freedom and Justice (Muslim Brotherhood) are Dr. Yousry Halley for the First Circuit in Mansoura (categories) and Tarek Kotb, former deputy (workers) in the same department, and Dr. Khaled El-Deeb (categories) Department of Ghamr, in addition to Dr. Magdy Ashmawy (categories) Ghamr and Dr. Magdy Guest (categories) Ghamr and Hassan Moawad Vice Belqas Previous (workers) and Tamer Ibrahim Assistant Lecturer trade Mansoura (categories) and Mr. Bedier (farmer) Belqas to become the total number of candidates for the parliament to maintain 271 candidates during the past three days.
New Valley:
In New Valley, provides for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council in the New Valley six candidates including a woman they Nabil Abdul Salam gift (peasant people), Mohamed Attia Ahmed Ibrahim (groups of people) and Jawad Mohammed Ibrahim (groups of people) and Leila Fahim Mohamed Abdel Aal (categories of people) and Salah Mahmoud Bitar (groups of people) and Bashandi ship Karim (workers, people) to reach a total of applicants until the third day of received applications to 31 candidates, 21 of the seats in parliament and one of the shura, including a woman and one declared this advisor Farghaly Makhlouf, Chairman of Supreme Commission for Elections in the New Valley.
In Kfraheik on the third day to receive applications "of the Parliament of the revolution" Bkivraheik provide candidates on Friday nominated two new papers, bringing the number of candidates at the level of provincial institutions to 98 candidates, all of whom are independent.
He has not made any political party, whether of new parties, or parties, the old list of Bmarcham and so far is expected to lead party of freedom and justice Bakaúmth election on Sunday as well as the Wafd Party and the Freedom Party and New Party Egypt's national and Arab Nazareth and others from other parties, which is experiencing many of the political parties Unlike severe and split on the order of the candidates on the list especially the top three, which are being contested by all and will lead to non-completion of many of the lists to a large number of parties because of this great dispute.
It is known (Al-Ahram), it is likely to come Sabbahi former vice presidential candidate on the list of Freedom and Justice party of the Muslim Brotherhood Bkivraheik the First Circuit.
South Sinai:
Saw the Court of South Sinai yesterday after Friday prayers with the opening of the door received the papers of candidates for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council quieter fully, with no forward only one candidate only named Nasser fully member of the local People's former province and is one of the most prominent opponents who have already submitted several reports to the Attorney General against some officials in cases of administrative corruption, is also one of the most prominent opponents of the National Party dissolved and its symbols, consisting of the Commission received requests from Muslim Hussein, Chairman of the Committee.
Port Said:
In the Port number of applicants for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Port Said to 44 candidates, including 5 women, and yesterday was less days turnout of candidates did not apply only 2 only, and is still the political street in Port Said expected to announce the party list as of today and the highlights in this partial waiting List of Freedom and Justice party offset by news of strong echoed in recent days in Port Said on the issue George Isaac head Kifaya movement to the list of the delegation to maintain, on the other hand I apologize, Dr. Ahmed El-Borai for not running for Parliament for the seat individual to maintain, and asked him so many political forces, given the circumstances difficult that the country is undergoing and the need for the burden of full-time ministerial position, which prevent full-time to run for elections.
Have seen yesterday of the reception committee requests candidates PA and Shura Council in Assiut turnout is very weak, with no lead his cards are few in number not exceeding the fingers of one hand, providing a single candidate for the people, and two of the Shura, and still the streets of Assiut, free from any manifestations of the election campaign, only most of the candidates encounters closed with some families, although 47 candidates had submitted their papers and their right that they will suspend their banners and campaign election, the wind came, including the Atchethy ships to some of the candidates as declared youth coalitions revolution in all its forms to insist on the implementation of the campaign, each candidate had belonged to the system (Mubarak ), especially former deputies.
With the number of applicants for parliamentary elections after the Eastern Region 125 offers only 10 yesterday while the preparation of the Shura Council candidates only 5 made after the candidate yesterday, said adviser Ahmed Badran, a member of the Supreme Committee for the Eastern Region elections. He said the large number of candidates belong to the category of lawyers.
Saw the third day to receive applications to my People's Assembly and Shura in Fayoum demand weak and had not taken his adviser Mohammad Mustafa thyme Chairman of the Committee only candidates only two Gamal Hassan Ahmed categories Obashoy Muslim Brotherhood candidate, Ahmed Mohamed is a member farmer from the same department independently, and thus the number of applicants so far 34 candidates, of whom 7 candidates for the Muslim Brotherhood and the rest independents did not make any list so far.
In the Suez offer only one candidate yesterday during the opening of the nomination Suez People's Council and a member of the Conservative Party, while not made a Shura Council, bringing the number of candidates who have received their applications HEC Suez, headed by Justice Mr. Aboomoslem 31 candidates individually in parliament while the 3 candidates only to the Shura Council, and became party lists and the Democratic Alliance a big question mark, where there are differences in the names of the candidates and the order of the menus and the reluctance of some illustrious names politically away from the National Party dissolved prefer not to contest the elections individually is not yet clear vision of the members of the National Party dissolved.
In El-Arish on the third day to open the door for submission of nominations for elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council did not make a circle north of the Sinai. The adviser Mohammad Sabri Mohammed, head of the Supreme Committee for the receipt of requests for the People's northern Sinai has been closed for receiving applications at the time did not make one, and announced by Justice Mohamed Ahmed Morshed Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Elections in North Sinai, there are some who wish the presentation had inquired of the Committee for documents required to be completed and submitted today. It is noteworthy that the total number of applicants during the past two days amounted to 11 candidates. Of whom 10 candidates for the people and one candidate for the Shura.

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


 The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt    The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Icon-new-badge28/11/2011, 06:22

السماح بالكتابة بحسب النطق الصوتي
The consultant Samir Wahdan Chairman of the Committee of applications received that 8 parties submitted its lists on the Shura Council seat, which is Arabic for 'justice, equality, freedom and reform, justice, the Egyptian Federation, a citizen of Egypt, Arab Union of the Egyptian delegation.'

He added that the 26 candidates filed papers nominated for the seats of the individual to maintain, most notably Ahmed Hassouna (categories) and a prayer Abdel-Moneim (workers) and Khalid al-Zam Zam (workers), and three of the Wafd Party, and the latter withdrew from the menu objection from the 'struggle for the centers' , where he was on top of the list and became the third.

And stop the Wafd Party candidates for the seats in front of the Shura Council for Advancement Committee papers more than 3 hours of consulting to put his name in the published list, which upset some of it Wafdite Sharqiya.

On the other hand, has the Commission received requests to run for parliament, headed by Judge Ehab Sarhan, a strong demand on the last day to receive papers; where made parties''Tomorrow, the delegation, freedom and justice, of assembly, of Nazareth, the conservatives, the Egyptian citizen, modern Egypt, the light ' ', its lists.

And included a list of party light (South East) of Ibrahim Abd El Al (categories), Hisham Abdel-Aal (workers), Mohammed Mustafa (categories), Hamada Abu al-Wafa (workers), Sami Mohammed Fathi (categories), Fahmi Said (workers), Mohammed Saleh (categories), Holiday victor (workers), Ibrahim Ismail (categories), the verses of Jabir (workers).

And on the south as well, provided the Wafd Party Bakaúmth which included all of the Major Hani Dre Abaza (categories), Mr. Qattawi (worker), Tariq Iran (categories), Karam Abdel-Halim (workers), Faten Abdel-Moneim (categories), Ismail structure (categories .)

Hezbollah also provides a list of the Egyptian citizen members of the National Party dissolved; In the list of (South) party nominated by Major General Ahmed Mustafa, Secretary of the organization of the National Party former Eastern Region (categories), charity directly (workers), Hatem Tiger (categories), the quality of charity (workers), Ahmed Sheikh (categories), to allow EA (categories), Tamer Salah (categories), Mohamed Abdel-Hamid (workers), and the fulfillment of Moses (categories), Magda Abdel-Aal (workers).

The list Party Egyptian citizen (north) of Yahya Mansour (categories), Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (workers), Mohamed Abul Magd Nassar (categories), Abdel Moez Ahmed (workers), humans Sharbatli (categories), Mr. Malt (workers), Reza Ismail (categories), Mohamed Yousry (workers), draw a star (worker), Tariq Gad (categories).

The list of the Ghad Party for South East by Inam Mohammed Ali (categories), Samir Abu Libdeh (workers), Haitham intelligent (workers), approved amended (the categories), Khaled Nabil (categories), Ibrahim Mansour (workers), Suad Imam ( categories), Mohamed Rifaat (workers). The list of tomorrow from the north of Mustafa mill (categories), happy-Saadani (workers), Ibrahim Ramadan (categories), Ismail Abdel-Moneim (workers), Mohammed Ahmed Desouki (categories), Ali Ibrahim Al-(workers), Yasser Hassan (categories ), Mervat Architecture (workers).

The list Rally for the South East of Nour Farahat (categories), by Atif Meghawri (workers), Saeed Suleiman (categories), Marwa Shoaib (labor), Bialy A. Hassouna (categories), kindness, and Wadih (categories), Abdul Aziz Abdul Mohsen (workers), in the north provide assembly as a whole leaves of Majdi Sabri (categories), Hassan Abd al-Muttalib (workers), Samir Awad (categories), Elham Mohammad (categories).
The names of candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Council by the Department of the New Valley so far
Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim Laroussi
Ahmed Mohammed Suleiman Ahmed
Abdullah Ahmed Shaaban
... Mohamed Kamal Mohamed Ahmed Kassab
Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Saleh
Hassan Mahmoud Abdullah
Khair Mohammad Hamdallah
Nabil Abdul Salam gift
Anwar Mohamed Radwan
Mohamed Ibrahim Mohamed Jawad
Leila Fahim Mohamed Abdel Aal
Mohamed Attiya, Ahmed Ibrahim
Salah Ahmed Mahmoud Hussein
Bashandi ship Karim
Mr. Mohamed Ali Yusuf
Abdul Hameed Mohamed Ezzat Shaker
Hamdi Mohamed Sayed
Ahmed Mohamed Mohamed Hussein
Mohammed Yousry Mohamed Ismail forbid
Mr. Amin
Ahmed El-Arini
Abdel Moneim Mohammed Ismail
Talaat Abdallah, a gift
Eng Osama Abdalmncef - Secretary General of the party in Menoufia Governorate of light - a statement to Al-Fath - Saturday the names of party candidates in the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council the next, and the names of the candidates on the lists and individual as follows:

List of the first circle of the People:
1 - Salah Abdalmabboud - Categories - Shebin
2 - Atif Qansuh - farmer - Quisna
3 - Abdul Hadi sound - Categories - martyrs
4 - Mohamed Ashish - farmer - Alaptanon
5 - Bilal Wahab - Categories - read
6 - Mahmoud Khader - factor - the martyrs
7 - Saad Hanot - Categories - Shebin
8 - Fatima Khudair - farmer - the martyrs

List of the second district of the Council of People:
Jamal Mansour - Categories - Bagour
Full-Masri - factor - Sadat
Mustafa decent - Categories - Ashmun
Subhi al-Khalifa - farmer - Sadat
Mohammed Abdel Razek - Categories - Menouf
Ahmed Osman - farmer - Bagour
Mustafa opened the door - Categories - Bagour
Ibtisam Sultan - farmer - Menouf

For the individual candidates of the People in the circle (Shebin Quisna) as follows:
Osama Abdalmncef - Categories - Shebin
Fathi Bassiouni - farmer - Quisna

In the circle (followed by the seven pool of martyrs)
Alaa al-Banna - Categories - martyrs
Mahmoud Kabil - farmer - Swimming seven

In the circle (Ashmun and Bagour)
Mohammed Abbas Abdul Sattar - Categories - Bagour

In the circle (Menouf and Sadat)
Azim Friday - Categories - Menouf

As for the candidates of the Shura Council:
Have included the list of:
Ahmed Tawfiq Taha - Categories - Shebin
Mustafa Amer - factor - Menouf
Ahmed Abdalsadeg - Categories - Menouf
Apple Jafar - farmer - the martyrs

Individual candidate and the Shura Council:
Moataz reformer - Categories - Shebin

Provide day light Salafi party lists of candidates for the People's Assembly and Shura various constituencies in Alexandria, also provide the party to nominate the individual seats in the governorate.
Sheikh Abdel-Moneim provide Shahat - media spokesman of the Salafist call - nomination papers for the seat of individual park department of the People's Party under the mantle of light in the foregoing lists of party candidates for the Shura and the people.

Came the names of candidates, party light in Alexandria as follows: the first circle, Ashraf Saad Eddin fixed categories, and Mohammed Alzeiry workers and Ehab Mohamed Yahya Abdul Salam categories and Hassan Abu Yazid Mohamed workers and Awad Abdel Shafi Atallah workers and Hanan Mohamed Attia categories.

The list of the party for the Second Circuit both Ahmad Khalil Abdelaziz categories and Ahmed Abdel-Hamid workers and Talaat Abdel-Aziz al-Marzouk and categories of workers and Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Dayem categories and Mohamed Ahmed Muharram workers and Mohamed Abdel-Fattah categories.

Party list also included the light of the Shura Council are: Abdullah Abdul-Aziz Mohammed, Osama, Osama, Mr. Atiyah Abd al-Aziz and Awad Abdel Shafi Atallah and Eman Mohammed pigment.
It also provides the names of party candidates on the two individual seats of the Shura Council in Alexandria are: Alia al-Din Ibrahim and Ibrahim Abdul Hamid Rajab.

The names of candidates, party light Salafi Alexandria to the people and the Shura Council elections

The names of party candidates for election to the light Matruh people

Zb light will run for parliamentary elections next two lists, one for the people and the other for the Shura system menus, and 4 candidates on the individual system, two for the people of the Shura and others.

Came at the head of the party list for parliament, Sheikh Faraj, a slave «categories» one of the senior leaders of the Salafi da'wah Matruh, and Khairallah, Abdul Aziz Alzeiry «factor» and Saad Naji Youssef «farmer» and Fatima Htosh favor of «worker», while the run on the individual system of Mansoor Alam Guest «factor» and Salem Abdullah Awad «factor».

Came at the head of the party's list of the Shura Council Abdul Salam Ragheb Awry «groups» and Saeed Ahmed Kilani «farmer» and Essam Ismail Abdel-Al, «groups» and grace Abdel Qader Abu-Zeid «factor», while the run on the individual system of Faraj Hussein Israafeel «groups» and Mansour strong real estate «farmer», is expected to make light Bmarchah party tomorrow «Friday».

In a related context the number of candidates last night «Wednesday» 41 a candidate for parliament, including 5 women, 38 of them independent candidate on the individual system and a list of Wa
Party candidates sky light in Suez

Provide light party in Suez on Saturday, leaves candidates in the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council of the lists for each relative and individual.

The list of the People both Eng. Abdul Khaliq Mohammed Abdul Khaliq chemical company Suez Company for Petroleum Processing (categories), and Abbas Mohammed Abbas, the ambulance Egyptian (workers), and Ahmed Abdel Rahman, the owner of a construction company (workers), and rich-Sibai Mohammed seventh director of Misr Insurance (categories).

Meanwhile, the party made for individual seats d. Mohamed Adel Professor of Surgery at the University of Suez Canal (categories), and engineer Hani Nur al-Din Suez Canal Authority (workers).

The AD group included a list of the Shura. Ibrahim Mostafa Kamel agricultural engineer (categories), and Sarwat Atallah, head of the fire company Suez Oil Processing and NLP Practitioner (NND) of the Canadian Centre for Human Development (workers), and Sabri Mohammadein Chairman of the Committee of Association Complex courts of Suez and the Treasurer of General Union of Workers at the Ministry of Justice (workers), and Salwa Khalil Mohammed Specialist legal El-Nasr Petroleum (categories).

Individual seats and gave the party m. Director of Judge Mahdi El-Nasr Petroleum (categories), and Ahmed al-Rawi of the Red Sea Ports Authority (workers).

It should be noted that the party that grew up and progress rapidly to compete with all the seats of conservative (12 seats), which demonstrates the confidence enjoyed by the people of the province.
The names of candidates, party of freedom and justice in the lake

As predicted by the news Mnhor offers Party of Freedom and Justice to the Committee to receive applications Damanhour Court of First Instance in the lake seven candidates for the seats of the People's Assembly and Shura Council to provide the individual with two lists of candidates and support them during the next two days.

The candidates of the Shura Council seats are individual: Zakaria Ganayni former deputy for the Department of Kafr Al-Dawar "categories", and Maher candidate bundle branch workers.

As to the People, are presented by Mohamed Sawy honey "workers", and "just Makram" categories for the fourth district of Kom Hamada and Aldlnecat and Wadi Natrun, Nubaria center of Badr, and "Ahmad Zuhairi" for the Third Circuit, based in Abu Homs and Hosh Issa and Abu silos, and Saad Abu students, next to the elevator and Yasser Abed Mohamed Abdel Gawad, the Second Circuit, based in Kafr El Dawar and Edco and rational.

Sky light in Alexandria Party candidates for election to the People

The names of party candidates for election to the light the people in Alexandria

Provide day light Salafi party lists of candidates for the People's Assembly and Shura various constituencies in Alexandria, also provide the party to nominate the individual seats in the governorate.
Sheikh Abdel-Moneim provide Shahat - media spokesman of the Salafist call - nomination papers for the seat of individual park department of the People's Party under the mantle of light in the foregoing lists of party candidates for the Shura and the people.

Came the names of candidates, party light in Alexandria as follows: the first circle, Ashraf Saad Eddin fixed categories, and Mohammed Alzeiry workers and Ehab Mohamed Yahya Abdul Salam categories and Hassan Abu Yazid Mohamed workers and Awad Abdel Shafi Atallah workers and Hanan Mohamed Attia categories.

The list of the party for the Second Circuit both Ahmad Khalil Abdelaziz categories and Ahmed Abdel-Hamid workers and Talaat Abdel-Aziz al-Marzouk and categories of workers and Mr. Muhammad Ashraf Mohamed Abdel Dayem categories and Mohamed Ahmed Muharram workers and Mohamed Abdel-Fattah categories.

Party list also included the light of the Shura Council are: Abdullah Abdul-Aziz Mohammed, Osama, Osama, Mr. Atiyah Abd al-Aziz and Awad Abdel Shafi Atallah and Eman Mohammed pigment.
It also provides the names of party candidates on the two individual seats of the Shura Council in Alexandria are: Alia al-Din Ibrahim and Ibrahim Abdul Hamid Rajab.

Skies of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura

Announced that the sub-committees for the elections the People's Assembly and Shura Council at the provincial level on Tuesday the names of candidates admitted and non admitted to run on party lists and individual lists.
In Sohag Governorate, today announced that the Commission has received applications for nomination for election to the People's Assembly and Shura Council at the government, exercising its court complex city of Sohag, to accept the 16 lists of political parties to contest parliamentary elections in the governorate.
The committee said, "It was accepted 7 electoral lists for the elections of the People Baldaúrtin North and South, 9 lists for the elections of the Shura Council in one district, where he was accepted's lists partisan of freedom, justice and the Egyptian Social Democratic for the elections of the People's Assembly constituency North and accept lists of parties, freedom, justice and freedom The delegation and the Egyptian citizen and the center for the elections of the People's Assembly constituency South. "
Was also acceptance of the delegation and I draw lists of freedom, justice and the Democratic Front and the Reform and Development and the Egyptian citizen and the light and the Egyptians and Egyptian Liberal Democrat and Conservative for the elections of the Shura Council.
It also announced the acceptance of papers for 304 candidates to contest the parliamentary elections in individual constituencies the system to maintain the five, and 70 candidates for the elections of the Shura Council system in the individual department and one of two seats.
In Minya, the High Commission to receive nominations for elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council to maintain headed by Judge Mohammed al-Mirghani today the names of candidates and party lists who was acceptance of nomination papers for the elections and were excluded after reviewing all the papers.
Where the Commission accepted the nomination papers of candidates for 226 seats of the People's individual after excluding the 29 candidates and 55 candidates for the Shura Council and the exclusion of 7 candidates and party lists to accept freedom and justice and the center of the People.
Also ruled out the lists of 8 parties for failure to complete the papers and accept the lists of 8 parties to the Shura Council and the exclusion of my parties are Egyptian Shura Council's Liberal and constitutional free.
The chancellor said Mohammed al-Mirghani, "It was announced the names of all the statements courtrooms across all centers and will open doors appeals to parties and candidates will be excluded from the right of each submitted a complaint within a period of 5 days and the Committee shall examine the grievances."

In the province of Kafr el-Sheikh, showed lists of candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Council, which was suspended on Tuesday hall courts Kafr El-Sheikh, many surprises, most notably Acceptance 9 party lists only the total of 23 lists were excluded in the list of 14 circles .. In the First Circuit, based in Bandar and Kafr El-Sheikh and Riyadh and Sidi Salem and Hamoul and Baltim and Bella and Glynn was accepted four parties, only the (light, reform and development and the New Wafd, peace Aldaamcrdoa) was refused a list of freedom, justice, Egypt's national security, freedom and the Union, and refused to 8 other lists.
In the Second Circuit, based in Bandar and center and Desouk Vuh and Motobas, has accepted a 5 lists the center, liberty, justice, reform and development and the Democratic Front and the Egyptians Liberal, was rejected in 6 menus.
In the individual system, has accepted 172 candidates, 67 candidates of whom the First Circuit, and the second circuit 50 candidates, 55 candidates, the third circuit, while the papers were rejected 32 candidates.
Has been accepted to accept 4 lists the Shura Council of freedom, justice, unity and reform and the New Wafd was rejected two lists of the light and the Democratic Front .. In the individual system has been the refusal to accept the 44 and 9 candidates.
Said advisor Mustafa reserved Judiciary Committee Chairman overseeing Kafr El-Sheikh that any candidate or the Party of Progress of Scrutiny Committee and objections within 4 days from the date of suspension of statements, as they may raise the issue before the administrative courts in accordance with the political rights law and the reasons for rejection There are many, including failure to meet Some of the documents or non-conformity with the terms of the candidate directly to the law of political rights.

In the governorate of Matrouh, the Judicial Committee of the elections, the People's Assembly and Shura Council requests 23 candidates on the individual system and 14 party list for failure to meet such evidence and not to perform military service and lack of proficiency in reading and writing.
And proceed to the objections of its work on Tuesday for a period of 5 days to enable candidates to apply accepted the objection and rule on them.
This was stated by Judge Mohammed al-judge member of the county, explaining that the Commission on the People received 75 individual applications were accepted 65 applications of which declined to 10 requests, also made parties to 12 the list was accepted seven party lists for each of (the party of the light and the Democratic Front and the new center, and tomorrow and the Egyptians Liberal justice and the reform and development), was rejected with a 5 lists (the party of freedom, justice and the New Wafd and the European Union and the Arab Almsir Arabb of justice and equality).
The statements showed the initial of the committees receive requests to run for elections, the People's Assembly and Shura Council of Luxor Governorate offer 106 candidates to compete for seats between the individual independent "groups" and "workers" were 72 candidates for parliament and 34 candidates for the Shura Council.
And provides 12 party lists of candidates in this election, 8 of whom parties competing for seats in parliament, most notably party (Freedom and Justice), and (light Salafi) and (tomorrow) and (freedom), as competing four other parties for seats in the Shura Council, most notably the Party ( Egyptian Liberal) and (revolution) and (freedom).
Is scheduled announcement lists and statements of final next Sunday, to complete the missing papers of candidates and accept the appeals of the candidates in addition to the termination procedures for amending the lists of parties.

In Fayoum, ruled out the orders of the Commission received a Court of Fayoum lists of all the parties submitted their candidates for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council, except to maintain a list of the next party light.
And found not to meet the conditions of the proportion of 50% of workers and peasants on the lists excluded as it turns out not to submit expressions of peasant or worker status to some of the candidates to each other and not to provide insurance benefits to the worker.
The Committee also ruled out some candidates for the seats of individual securities to incomplete .. It is anticipated that the excluded parties to complete the papers and to correct the situation in which the legal period of four days.
In Dakahlia, announced the judicial committee supervising the elections of the People's Council Chambers six out headed by Judge Abdel-Hady Ahmed Abdel Hady lists the names of candidates admitted and non admitted, where they were to accept 301 candidates from different parties, and lists the individual, the total number of students admitted 119 candidates because of not providing proof of their positions in terms of class (peasant or worker) and the lack of state recruiting and objections will be received until Thursday.

Candidates of the People | Cairo | Cairo candidates

Paul just

Egypt for all


Just my name Paul Age 48 years old candidate by the Department of olive gardens and Waili and independent ruler individual categories and programmatic goals
1 - construction of a new constitution that Egypt is a free and democratic civilian managed
2 - rebuild Egypt through policies that respect the human dignity of the Egyptian citizen
3 - to establish the principles and rules of citizenship that respects all religions
4 - the need for a security device and civilization that respects the rights of citizens and binding on all walks of life
5 - to eliminate corruption and solve the problems of education
6 - Work to achieve the minimum and maximum wage
7 - increasing pressure on the Egyptian family, through access to decent jobs
8 - I hope from God to be the expectations of the people of the constituencies and in their service, whether I got the honor of parliament represent them or just did not have any
The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura
Tuesday October 25, 2011

Announced that the sub-committees for the elections the People's Assembly and Shura Council at the provincial level on Tuesday the names of candidates admitted and non admitted to run on party lists and individual lists.
In Sohag Governorate, today announced that the Commission has received applications for nomination for election to the People's Assembly and Shura Council at the government, exercising its court complex city of Sohag, to accept the 16 lists of political parties to contest parliamentary elections in the governorate.
The committee said, "It was accepted 7 electoral lists for the elections of the People Baldaúrtin North and South, 9 lists for the elections of the Shura Council in one district, where he was accepted's lists partisan of freedom, justice and the Egyptian Social Democratic for the elections of the People's Assembly constituency North and accept lists of parties, freedom, justice and freedom The delegation and the Egyptian citizen and the center for the elections of the People's Assembly constituency South. "
Was also acceptance of the delegation and I draw lists of freedom, justice and the Democratic Front and the Reform and Development and the Egyptian citizen and the light and the Egyptians and Egyptian Liberal Democrat and Conservative for the elections of the Shura Council.
It also announced the acceptance of papers for 304 candidates to contest the parliamentary elections in individual constituencies the system to maintain the five, and 70 candidates for the elections of the Shura Council system in the individual department and one of two seats.
In Minya, the High Commission to receive nominations for elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council to maintain headed by Judge Mohammed al-Mirghani today the names of candidates and party lists who was acceptance of nomination papers for the elections and were excluded after reviewing all the papers.
Where the Commission accepted the nomination papers of candidates for 226 seats of the People's individual after excluding the 29 candidates and 55 candidates for the Shura Council and the exclusion of 7 candidates and party lists to accept freedom and justice and the center of the People.
Also ruled out the lists of 8 parties for failure to complete the papers and accept the lists of 8 parties to the Shura Council and the exclusion of my parties are Egyptian Shura Council's Liberal and constitutional free.
The chancellor said Mohammed al-Mirghani, "It was announced the names of all the statements courtrooms across all centers and will open doors appeals to parties and candidates will be excluded from the right of each submitted a complaint within a period of 5 days and the Committee shall examine the grievances."

In the province of Kafr el-Sheikh, showed lists of candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Council, which was suspended on Tuesday hall courts Kafr El-Sheikh, many surprises, most notably Acceptance 9 party lists only the total of 23 lists were excluded in the list of 14 circles .. In the First Circuit, based in Bandar and Kafr El-Sheikh and Riyadh and Sidi Salem and Hamoul and Baltim and Bella and Glynn was accepted four parties, only the (light, reform and development and the New Wafd, peace Aldaamcrdoa) was refused a list of freedom, justice, Egypt's national security, freedom and the Union, and refused to 8 other lists.
In the Second Circuit, based in Bandar and center and Desouk Vuh and Motobas, has accepted a 5 lists the center, liberty, justice, reform and development and the Democratic Front and the Egyptians Liberal, was rejected in 6 menus.
In the individual system, has accepted 172 candidates, 67 candidates of whom the First Circuit, and the second circuit 50 candidates, 55 candidates, the third circuit, while the papers were rejected 32 candidates.
Has been accepted to accept 4 lists the Shura Council of freedom, justice, unity and reform and the New Wafd was rejected two lists of the light and the Democratic Front .. In the individual system has been the refusal to accept the 44 and 9 candidates.
Said advisor Mustafa reserved Judiciary Committee Chairman overseeing Kafr El-Sheikh that any candidate or the Party of Progress of Scrutiny Committee and objections within 4 days from the date of suspension of statements, as they may raise the issue before the administrative courts in accordance with the political rights law and the reasons for rejection There are many, including failure to meet Some of the documents or non-conformity with the terms of the candidate directly to the law of political rights.

In the governorate of Matrouh, the Judicial Committee of the elections, the People's Assembly and Shura Council requests 23 candidates on the individual system and 14 party list for failure to meet such evidence and not to perform military service and lack of proficiency in reading and writing.
And proceed to the objections of its work on Tuesday for a period of 5 days to enable candidates to apply accepted the objection and rule on them.
This was stated by Judge Mohammed al-judge member of the county, explaining that the Commission on the People received 75 individual applications were accepted 65 applications of which declined to 10 requests, also made parties to 12 the list was accepted seven party lists for each of (the party of the light and the Democratic Front and the new center, and tomorrow and the Egyptians Liberal justice and the reform and development), was rejected with a 5 lists (the party of freedom, justice and the New Wafd and the European Union and the Arab Almsir Arabb of justice and equality).
The statements showed the initial of the committees receive requests to run for elections, the People's Assembly and Shura Council of Luxor Governorate offer 106 candidates to compete for seats between the individual independent "groups" and "workers" were 72 candidates for parliament and 34 candidates for the Shura Council.
And provides 12 party lists of candidates in this election, 8 of whom parties competing for seats in parliament, most notably party (Freedom and Justice), and (light Salafi) and (tomorrow) and (freedom), as competing four other parties for seats in the Shura Council, most notably the Party ( Egyptian Liberal) and (revolution) and (freedom).
Is scheduled announcement lists and statements of final next Sunday, to complete the missing papers of candidates and accept the appeals of the candidates in addition to the termination procedures for amending the lists of parties.

In Fayoum, ruled out the orders of the Commission received a Court of Fayoum lists of all the parties submitted their candidates for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council, except to maintain a list of the next party light.
And found not to meet the conditions of the proportion of 50% of workers and peasants on the lists excluded as it turns out not to submit expressions of peasant or worker status to some of the candidates to each other and not to provide insurance benefits to the worker.
The Committee also ruled out some candidates for the seats of individual securities to incomplete .. It is anticipated that the excluded parties to complete the papers and to correct the situation in which the legal period of four days.
In Dakahlia, announced the judicial committee supervising the elections of the People's Council Chambers six out headed by Judge Abdel-Hady Ahmed Abdel Hady lists the names of candidates admitted and non admitted, where they were to accept 301 candidates from different parties, and lists the individual, the total number of students admitted 119 candidates because of not providing proof of their positions in terms of class (peasant or worker) and the lack of state recruiting and objections will be received until Thursday.
Provide centrist party lists of candidates for the People's Assembly and Shura Council for the parliamentary elections that will take place from November 2011 until March 2012, included the party lists for elections to the People 46 a circle on the level of the Republic by 100% cover all the governorates of Egypt a total of 332 candidates with all services.

The party issued a statement Tuesday that the party providing the number of 70 candidates between the categories of workers and peasants in the individual departments, and in the Shura Council elections provide the party with 24 of the total cycle 30, up 96 candidates on the lists, and the number of 20 candidates of individual departments.

Also nominated 69 women in the center lists and individual departments in the People's Assembly and Shura Council, and there are lists of the party number 2 of the Copts.

And issued lists of the party a large number of the symbols of the party and its leaders and public figures, including Engineer Abul-Ela Madi, at the top of the north of Minya, and Essam Sultan, deputy chairman of the party at the top of the list of Damietta, Engineer Mohammed Samman, Secretary General of the party at the top of the fourth district of Cairo, Police Department anti- and Dr. Yahya Abu Hassan Treasurer at the head of the party's list of Luxor Governorate.

It also included lists of the party, Eng Amr Farouk Assistant Secretary-General at the top of the Third Circuit in Cairo Department of Qasr al-Nil, and Dr. Mohammad calculated Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Menoufia member of the supreme at the top of the party circuit the second in Cairo, Police Department, Nasr City, and Tariq Al-Malt spokesman Party, and Member of the High on the list of the first circle in Beni Suef, and Dr. Hussein Zayed Assistant Secretary General of the party on the top of the list in Port Said.

Adoption of the 3 lists in the People's Assembly and Shura Council of the lake a total of 34 list

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Adoption of lists of people and the Shura Council in the lake

Counselor Abdel Moez Ibrahim, Chairman of Supreme Commission for Elections

A state of shock and surprise hit of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura district lake today - Tuesday - after the announcement of the judicial committee supervising the received requests Court of Damanhur primary statements of principle of the candidates in the elections, which announced the adoption of Freedom and Justice in the Second Chamber elections, the people only, which includes Aldlnecat and Com Hamada, and Badr center and Wadi Natrun and West Nubariya Itai of gunpowder and Hbrakhitt and Rahmaniya, while 24 were rejected electoral list in the first and second circles not to complete the paperwork, 252 candidates were admitted to the individual seats of the total 265 candidates.

As in the Shura Council elections has been the adoption's lists of freedom, justice and the delegation only, and reject lists of light and the center and the democratic peace, reform and development and the European Union and the citizen Egyptian and freedom, not to complete the paperwork, in addition to the acceptance of 50 candidates on the seats of individual total of 57 candidates.

It is worth mentioning that the political parties made up yesterday with 25 list in two circles, 13 of them a list of parties, freedom, justice and the delegation and the light and the Justice and Socialist Alliance, center, and social solidarity and citizen's Egyptian, reform and development and governors, and the Union and freedom, Egypt's revolution in the First Circuit, which includes Centre, Bandar Damanhur and Mahmudiyah and Abu Homs, Kafr El-Dawar and rational, and Edco monsters Issa and Abu silos, and advanced parties, freedom, justice and the delegation and the light from the Socialist Alliance and the center and the Conservative and Reform and Development and the European Union and Egypt, the revolution and the citizen Egyptian and social peace and freedom in the second district, which includes Aldlnecat Kom Hamada Center Badr and Wadi Natrun, Western Nubariya, Itay gunpowder and Hbrakhitt and Rahmaniya, while the 265 candidates on the individual seats in the Chamber in the first and second.

In the elections of the Shura Council made 9 party lists is the freedom, justice and the delegation and the light and the center and the democratic peace, reform and development, the Federation and the Egyptian citizen and freedom, while the 57 candidates in the elections of the Shura individual seats.

Among the most prominent members of the People ex-National Party dissolved who submitted their papers on the party lists Mohammed al-Banna and just Shaalan in the list of citizen Egyptian First Circuit, and Ahmed Ibrahim, the list of Union, the First Circuit, Saad bio-circuit the second list of the Union and Congratulations Zotair a list of Governors First Circuit, and Hassan Jibril in Union's list of the Shura Council elections.

The members of the dissolved National People who applied to individual seats Mohammed Khader and Ashraf Kamal Shuan, and Shams al-Din and Muhammad Anwar, Hany Saad safety and Farouk Al-Shaybah.

Eastern province has seen in the last day of the term of the progress of the elections, the People's Assembly and Shura high demand by political parties and individual candidates for the seats.

The consultant Samir Wahdan Chairman of the Committee of applications received that 8 parties submitted its lists on the Shura Council seat, which is Arabic for 'justice, equality, freedom and reform, justice, the Egyptian Federation, a citizen of Egypt, Arab Union of the Egyptian delegation.'

He added that the 26 candidates filed papers nominated for the seats of the individual to maintain, most notably Ahmed Hassouna (categories) and a prayer Abdel-Moneim (workers) and Khalid al-Zam Zam (workers), and three of the Wafd Party, and the latter withdrew from the menu objection from the 'struggle for the centers' , where he was on top of the list and became the third.

And stop the Wafd Party candidates for the seats in front of the Shura Council for Advancement Committee papers more than 3 hours of consulting to put his name in the published list, which upset some of it Wafdite Sharqiya.

On the other hand, has the Commission received requests to run for parliament, headed by Judge Ehab Sarhan, a strong demand on the last day to receive papers; where made parties''Tomorrow, the delegation, freedom and justice, of assembly, of Nazareth, the conservatives, the Egyptian citizen, modern Egypt, the light ' ', its lists.

And included a list of party light (South East) of Ibrahim Abd El Al (categories), Hisham Abdel-Aal (workers), Mohammed Mustafa (categories), Hamada Abu al-Wafa (workers), Sami Mohammed Fathi (categories), Fahmi Said (workers), Mohammed Saleh (categories), Holiday victor (workers), Ibrahim Ismail (categories), the verses of Jabir (workers).

And on the south as well, provided the Wafd Party Bakaúmth which included all of the Major Hani Dre Abaza (categories), Mr. Qattawi (worker), Tariq Iran (categories), Karam Abdel-Halim (workers), Faten Abdel-Moneim (categories), Ismail structure (categories .)

Hezbollah also provides a list of the Egyptian citizen members of the National Party dissolved; In the list of (South) party nominated by Major General Ahmed Mustafa, Secretary of the organization of the National Party former Eastern Region (categories), charity directly (workers), Hatem Tiger (categories), the quality of charity (workers), Ahmed Sheikh (categories), to allow EA (categories), Tamer Salah (categories), Mohamed Abdel-Hamid (workers), and the fulfillment of Moses (categories), Magda Abdel-Aal (workers).

The list Party Egyptian citizen (north) of Yahya Mansour (categories), Mohamed Ali Ibrahim (workers), Mohamed Abul Magd Nassar (categories), Abdel Moez Ahmed (workers), humans Sharbatli (categories), Mr. Malt (workers), Reza Ismail (categories), Mohamed Yousry (workers), draw a star (worker), Tariq Gad (categories).

The list of the Ghad Party for South East by Inam Mohammed Ali (categories), Samir Abu Libdeh (workers), Haitham intelligent (workers), approved amended (the categories), Khaled Nabil (categories), Ibrahim Mansour (workers), Suad Imam ( categories), Mohamed Rifaat (workers). The list of tomorrow from the north of Mustafa mill (categories), happy-Saadani (workers), Ibrahim Ramadan (categories), Ismail Abdel-Moneim (workers), Mohammed Ahmed Desouki (categories), Ali Ibrahim Al-(workers), Yasser Hassan (categories ), Mervat Architecture (workers).

The list Rally for the South East of Nour Farahat (categories), by Atif Meghawri (workers), Saeed Suleiman (categories), Marwa Shoaib (labor), Bialy A. Hassouna (categories), kindness, and Wadih (categories), Abdul Aziz Abdul Mohsen (workers), in the north provide assembly as a whole leaves of Majdi Sabri (categories), Hassan Abd al-Muttalib (workers), Samir Awad (categories), Elham Mohammad (categories).
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 The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt    The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Icon-new-badge28/11/2011, 06:28

Judicial Committee of the Aswan Antkhabatvee six primary exclude lists from standing for election

Began on Tuesday the Court of First Instance of Aswan to the Judicial Committee of the objections for five days to receive the applications for candidates to object to the People's Assembly and Shura Council, whether the system or individual lists and adjudication.
The Judiciary Committee announced the election court Aswan primary exclusion of six lists from running, a "free," and "freedom" and "awareness" and "independent" members, and "Modern Egypt" for failing to meet the candidates eligibility conditions and failure to comply with the leaves.
Such as the certificate of General Union of Workers for those wishing to go down as a worker and non-observance of legal arrangement, as announced in a final Commission has received applications from candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Aswan to announce the names of the applicants - individually and lists - which included 17 list and 123 candidates, 68 for the people and 55 of the Shura.

The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt
Site candidates for election Egypt 2011
Candidates of the People's Assembly 2011 | Shura Council candidates | Presidential candidates
The first site dedicated to support Egypt Egypt 2011 election candidates, whether candidates or candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Council as well as presidential candidates and candidates in all programs of the electoral districts in the governorates of Egypt, you can say what you think of YOUR candidates .. And start a program on any electoral candidate and support your candidate by adding a special page on the site for yourself and comment on the electoral program on any of the candidates of the next elections
Click here now and start your campaign in the elections of Egypt 2011 and support the candidates of the People's Assembly and candidates for the Consultative Council or the presidential candidates on the elections, Egypt 2011 Free State one network sites Egyptology, one of the more sites the Egyptian and Arab reaction in the elections of the People's Assembly in 2011 and the upcoming presidential election, where the number of posts about the candidates, the People's Assembly elections 2011 on newspaper pages ew more than a million electronic post which invited us to launch a site dedicated solely to support the People's Assembly candidates in a more professional and access for all citizens
Our location candidates NPC easily add programs and advertising campaign and the organization of election campaigns, and allows the citizens and visitors to support candidates for free and with ease, and it is enough to press the button creation page of the candidate at the top, and then start your support one candidate the People's your favorite in the parliamentary elections of 2011 and the Within moments of the model was taking into account all the details relating to each candidate from the People's Assembly candidates 2011 and includes all the governorates of Egypt electoral constituencies.
Site candidates, 6th of October governorate site candidates Helwan Giza site candidates site candidates Cairo Governorate
Site candidates, 6th of October governorate site candidates Helwan Giza site candidates site candidates Cairo Governorate

Site candidates Qaliubiya site candidates site candidates Alexandria Governorate of Matrouh Governorate site candidates maintain the lake
Site candidates Qaliubiya site candidates site candidates Alexandria Governorate of Matrouh Governorate site candidates maintain the lake

Site candidates, Kafr El-Sheikh governorate site candidates site candidates western province of eastern site candidates Dakahlia
Site candidates, Kafr El-Sheikh governorate site candidates western province of candidates Alcherqahmarchan Dakahlia

Site candidates site Fayoum governorate of Damietta site candidates candidates candidates Menoufia Governorate of Port Said
Site candidates site Fayoum governorate of Damietta site candidates candidates candidates Menoufia Governorate of Port Said

Site candidates Ismailia, Suez candidates candidates candidates the Red Sea governorate of North Sinai Governorate
Site candidates Ismailia, Suez candidates candidates candidates the Red Sea governorate of North Sinai Governorate

Candidates South Sinai Governorate Soehadja candidates candidates candidates Assiut Governorate Minya Governorate
Candidates South Sinai Sohag candidates candidates candidates Assiut Governorate Minya Governorate

Candidates Beni Suef, Qena province, candidates candidates candidates Aswan province, site of Luxor
Candidates Beni Suef, Qena province, candidates candidates candidates Aswan province, site of Luxor

Candidates, the New Valley Governorate
Candidates, the New Valley Governorate
Candidates of the Cairo Governorate Council of the People | Wael Tawfiq IK: My program is development where they are required to provide basic needs ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Wael Tawfiq Khouly
Posted 6 hours ago

Candidates of the People's Assembly, Cairo | Adel Paul: Building a new constitution that Egypt is a free and democratic civilian managed to rebuild Egypt through policies that respect the human dignity of the Egyptian citizen ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Paul just
Posted 10 hours ago

Candidates of the Cairo Governorate Council of the People | Yasser Hanafy and fame (Ahmed Sabry): The objectives of the program's electoral Ttoeraltalim industrial and vocational training ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Yasser Hanafy Ahmed Sabri and his fame
Posted 11 hours ago

Candidates of the People's Assembly, Cairo | Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Hafez Seda and his fame, Hafez Abu Saada: a political system that combines the presidential and parliamentary systems so we have a President of the Republic ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Mr. Ahmed Hafiz Mohammed Saada
Posted 11 hours ago

Candidates of the People's Assembly, Cairo | Shaker Mohammed Ali Abdullah: Egypt is a new circuit to make the tourist attraction and shrine Vikvana pride as one of the oldest cities in Pharaonic Egypt ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Shaker Mohammed Ali Abdullah
Posted 13 hours ago

Candidates of the Cairo Governorate Council of the People | Mosad Abdel Azim Agami: Building a new constitution and laws - solving the problems of education development of the school curriculum ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Massad Abdel Azim Agami
Posted 14 hours ago

Candidates of the Cairo Governorate Council of the People | Alasnawi Ashraf Al-Saidi: I was the youngest art director for the sport of Egyptian biggest club in the Middle East in 1986 ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Ashraf Alasnawi Saidi
Posted 14 hours ago

Cairo site candidates for membership of the Council of the People | Khalid Mohamed Abdel Moneim: every Egyptian citizen the right to possess the living accommodation for young people and give them a chance because they are the future of Egypt ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Khalid Mohamed Abdel Moneim
Posted 15 hours ago

Cairo candidates for membership of the Council of the People | Salah Abd al-Rahim al-Sharif: to provide health insurance for all members of the department in Cairo to set minimum wage ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Salah Abd al-Rahim al-Sharif
Posted since 1 day

Cairo candidates of the People's Mustafa Abdel Nabi Hassanein: Usually at the thought and conscience of the Egyptian citizen interest in the role of Egypt's leading .. Arab .. Regional .. Internationally ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Mustafa Abdel Nabi Hassanein

Candidates of the People's Assembly, Cairo | engineer / Zine El Abidine Hussein Hussein, increasing pressure on the Egyptian family and Arabization of the curricula and private colleges the process ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Engineer / Zine El Abidine Hussein Hussein
Posted since 1 day

Candidates of the People's Assembly, Taha Hussein, Tarek Khater Khater Cairo because Egypt's youth at the forefront of this revolution, their role in the Houma held it hopes ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Taha Hussein, Tarek Khater Khater
Posted since 1 day

Candidates of the People's Hany Sweilem from Cairo Governorate | I hope that the Egyptian citizen gets the opportunity to work Sherifa movement of Egypt to civil rule and return to his army ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Hany Sweilem
Posted since 1 day

Candidates of the People's Abdullah Abdullah, given the Cairo Governorate 2011 | We are all one of my electoral program for Egypt is simple and without complication ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Abdullah Abdullah, the given

Candidates of the People 2011: Ahmed Abdul Aziz Ahmed Sultan Cairo - the eradication of illiteracy and private lessons and attention to various levels of education ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Ahmed Abdul Aziz Sultan Ahmed

Candidates of the People's Peace Amr Cairo: Order inside the Egyptian and the Egyptian People's awareness and education of the new Egypt calls her children and hopes that Albo appeal ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Amr peace
Posted since 1 day

Candidates of the People's intellectual Mohammed Mustafa Cairo | I will stand with all our strength against an official who is trying to get a new law offers any member of this people ..
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Intellectual Mohammed Mustafa

Candidates of the People's Assembly 2011 Cairo | reformists are coming to change Egypt - are fully prepared to debate the evidence and the evidence with any candidate or party leader in Egypt ..
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Adel Abdul-Hamid Mujahid

Candidates of the People's Hossam Hassan Mahmoud Salah al-Din Governorate of Cairo, Egypt for the Egyptians not to distinguish between religions. Egypt is everything to us and the Egyptians to protect ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Hossam Salah al-Din Hassan Mahmoud
Posted 3 days ago

Site candidates of the People's Cairo Governorate | Arabic Adel Ahmed Amin: the elimination of unemployment assistance of business ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Arab Adel Ahmed Amin

Candidates of the People's Cairo Governorate 2011 | Mr. Ibrahim dignified and decent reputation for strange: to find quick solutions to the Egyptian women did not find him from the problems of poor at the household level ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Mr. Ibrahim, a decent and dignified reputation for strange

Candidates of the People's Assembly 2011 Cairo | Abu Said Abu-eyed eyes: literacy 51 000 residents of the corner and Sharabiya coast and start awareness campaigns ..
Candidates of the People | Cairo
Abu Saeed Abu eyes eyes
Publicly alliance «revolution continues» Voting for the most outstanding candidates in the elections, the seats allocated to the lists in 21 counties nationwide.

And was at the top candidates in Cairo Mohammed retribution, a member of the Executive Office for the coalition of youth revolution, at the top of the second district of Cairo, Ahmad Abdel Wahab, the First Circuit, and the artist to facilitate Fahmy, President of the Party «Equity and Development» Department III, while came on top of existing circuit-fourth, Mr. Khalid, a member of a coalition of youth revolution.

In Alexandria issued Aboul-Hariri coalition candidates at the top of the second district, and came and Walid intellectual, member of the Freedom Party of Egypt, on top of the list in the first circle, and in the Department of Port Said first came on top of the list Mohamed Zakaria, a member of the People's Alliance Party.

The Department of Ismailia came on top of its list of Mr. Azzam strange, and in the first circle Balqlliopih Amr Ahmed Darwish, Yasser Rifai at the first circle Sharqiya.

In Dakahlia presented the People's Alliance at the top of the list Mohamed Shabana in the first circle, and Mohammed Abdul Aziz irons, on the top of the list in the second district, and Mostafa El Gendy, former leader of the Wafd Party, the Third Circuit.

The Department of Damietta came on top of its list Hatem Baya, a leader of the socialist People's Alliance Party, and Mohamed Kamel Gowaili in the second district of Kafr El-Sheikh, Ahmed Shahin Karim Abdullah, a member of the Egyptian mainstream party in the constituency, the first Gharbia.

Came a decent Hefnawi, Socialist Party leadership of Egypt, on top of the list in the first circle of Giza, Fahmy and Talaat in the second district, followed by Fatima Ramadan, and forbid Abdul Karim, a member of a coalition of youth revolution.

In a related development, Al Said Kamel, the leader of the Democratic Front for the final count the number of party candidates in the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council a total of 133 candidates, including 72 candidates on the lists of «people» in 10 constituencies, 31 seats to individual candidates.

And will run for the party elections «Shura» of 24 candidates on the lists and 6 singles. The number of women candidates on party lists of candidates to 21 0.14 on the candidate lists of them in people and 6 filters on the seat Shura Council, and one individual to individual seats for the people, according to the full.

All lists of candidates for parliament and the Shura Council and individual New Valley 2011

List of Party of Freedom and Justice in New Valley

1 - Sameh Mohammad Saadawi (categories)
2 - Omar Omar Badran (workers)
3 - Mustafa Mustafa Osman (categories)
4 - Mervat Said Abdo (workers)
In addition to the individual candidate for the seat, Mohammed Abdul Majeed
Hamid categories.

It also included a list of the Shura Council are:
1 - Hamid Ismail (categories)
2 - Mansoor Mohi Sanusi (workers)
3 - Halima Abdul Hafeez (categories)
4 - Mr. Mohammed Abdullah Al-Sabour (workers)
And individual seat-Sawy Abdulkadir Abdulkadir (categories)

List of the Freedom Party, New Valley:
Freedom Party submitted the list of people and includes:
1 - Dr. Mohamed Ismail Mohamed Yousry forbid (categories)
2 - Mohammed Ahmed Issa (workers)
3 - Abdul Rahman Al-Rifai Bayoumi (workers)
4 - Nafisa Mohamed Hassanein (workers)

Freedom Party, a list of the Shura, and included both:
1 - Talaat Abdallah and gift (categories)
2 - Mohammed Sabir Mohsin Ahmed (workers)
3 - Wafaa Hassan Osman (categories)
4 - Abdul-Khaliq Abdallah Abu Zeid, Haggai (workers).

Arab Party for Justice and Equality:
List of people included are:
1 - Mohammed Saif Mohammed Khamis (categories)
2 - Mohamed Ali Radwan (workers)
3 - Mr. Amr Mohammed Omar (workers)
4 - Sadia Bilal Osman (workers)
Stood as the party "singles" Bashandi ship,

The list included the Shura's "Arab justice and equality," both of
1 - Mahmoud and hope to (categories)
2 - Sayed Ahmed Sayed (workers)
3 - Nasr, Seyyed Mohammad master (categories)
4 - Naima Holiday Syed Bilal (workers)
Also nominate individual system Nasr Mostafa Imran categories.

List of the Wafd Party, the New Valley Governorate:
Provide Bakaúmth Wafd Party, which included both:
1 - Secretary-Hawary on the crescent of the party maintaining the top of the list for a seat workers
2 - Atef Abdullah Hassan (categories)
3 - Ahmed Magdy Shehata (categories)
4 - Hana Mohamed Shawky on (workers)
And on the party list of the Shura Council candidates are:
1 - Abdullah Ahmad Ismail
2 - Amal Abdullah Ahmad Gheitas (workers)
3 - Osman Mohamed Attia (categories).

List of Egyptian Arab Union Party New Valley:
The secretariat of the Arab Union Party Egyptian New Valley Bakaúmtha of parliamentary elections, and included both:
1 - Secretary of the Party maintaining the top of the list, Sheikh Osama Saeed Mohammed Saeed protection (categories)
2 - Jibali Hassan Mohammed Omar (workers)
3 - Meghawri Marwa Fouad Taha (workers)
4 - Samir Khalaf Allah Katamesh (workers)

Party list ancestral valley new light:
Included for the people of both:
1 - Salah Abdel-Hafiz Mohammed (workers)
2 - Jamal Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel-Jawad (categories)
3 - Ahmed Mohammed Abdullah (workers)
4 - the names of Mohammed Abbas (categories),
And two singles for the people of: Mr. Mohamed Yamani (categories), and Alaa Abdel-Latif (workers)
For the Shura have included the list:
1 - Khalid Abdullah Al-Arabi (workers)
2 - Mohammed Mustafa Hamid (categories),
3 - Mr. Ahmed Abdul Aziz (workers)
4 - God's grace, Mahmoud Abdel-Aziz (categories),
The individual seats are: Helmi Mohammed Idris (categories), Mohamed Said Holiday (farmer)

Party list Nasserite New Valley:

Provide a list of Nasserite Party of the People included are:
1 - Media Abdel Muti Ali Saeed (categories)
2 - Pardis Seif Al-Imran (workers)
3 - Badr Ibrahim ship (workers)
4 - Joseph Khater morning (worker))

Egyptian Liberal Party:
Egyptian Liberal Party, made the list and one for the membership of the People's Assembly, and included both:
1 - Tawfiq Abdel Aziz al-Bashir (categories)
2 - Khalid Mohammed Ismail (workers)
3 - Nadia Mohammed Saif Al-Din (workers)
4 - Imam Salah Aliu (workers).

Reform and Development Party
Reform Party of progress and development of the Council of People's list included both:
1 - Holiday Mohamed Mohamed Mahmoud (workers
2 - the names of Syed Ali Wali (workers)
3 - Melegy Sayed Ibrahim Jalal (workers)
4 - Mohamed Saleh Ezzat (categories)

The list of the Reform Party of Shura and development:
1 - Muhammad Ali Khalifa Mohammed (workers)
2 - Equity Abdullah (categories)
3 - Sultan Hussein Mohamed Medhat (workers)
4 - Mohamed Attiya Allah (categories).

Center Party
Provide a list of the East Party, People's Council and included both:
1 - Nasser Al-Mohammad Mahsp (workers)
2 - the important victory Desouki (categories)
3 - Mohammad Sayed Mohammad Saeed (workers)
4 - just a light Moawad (workers).

Party of Democratic Peace
Provide a list of the East Party, People's Council and included both:
1 - Hammad Falah Mohammed Taha.
2 - Sayed Mohammad Amin workers.
3 - Suad Abdullah Alakaty workers.
4 - Ahmed Adel Suleiman Suleiman categories.

The list of the consultation:
1 - Hamdi Hassan Abdalmugod categories.
2 - Mohammed Hassan Ahmed Abdulrahman workers.
3 - Huda Abdullah Ahmad Issa categories.
4 - Rafat Mahmoud Khalifa Hassan categories.

This brings the number of parties who Tqdmo lists for nomination in the elections of 11 party they party of freedom, justice and the Freedom Party and the Party Nur Salafist and the Wafd Party and the Democratic Peace Party and the Arab Party for Justice and Equality Party and the Egyptian Federation of Arab and Arab Nasserite Party and the Reform and Development Party and the Party of Egyptian Liberal Party and the center.

List of independent (individual), New Valley:;
Provided independent of the Council of the People, by Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed El-Arini
Categories, Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Ezzat Shaker, Syed Mohammad Ali Youssef, Bashandi ship Abdul Karim categories independently, Salah Mohamed Ahmed Hussein categories independently, Mohammed Attia Ahmed Ibrahim categories independently, Abdel-Jawad, Mohamed Mohamed Ibrahim categories independently, for the following Fahim Mohamed Abdel-Al groups independently, Mohamed Anwar al-Radwan (workers), and Hamdi Mohamed Sayed master (categories) Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Saleh (categories), August Aballah Ahmed Ashour (categories), Salah Mahmoud Ahmed Hassan al-Bitar (categories), Ahmed Mohamed Sayed Hanafy (categories), Mansour Ibrahim al-Sayyid (categories), Maher Mohammed Ismail Qenawi (categories), Madiha Ahmed Fathi Omar Tiger (categories), Syed Mohammad Yamani Nasr (categories), Ibraahim Mahmoud Ahmed Abd (categories), Mr Hamad Ali Hamad (categories), Salah Hussein Mohamed Khalifa ( categories), Ali Mahmoud Diab Abmayh (categories), Mahmoud Mohamed Ismail (categories), Medhat Mahmoud Ahmed Ismail (categories), Mohammad Yousuf Mubarak Ghanim (categories), Salwa Sayed Mohammad (categories), and Abdel Moneim Mohammed Ismail workers.

It also provides for the membership of the Council of independents by Kamal Fuad Hussein, categories, and Abdallah Sharaf al-Din Ibrahim workers and Ahmed Abdel Moneim vegetable categories, Layla Anwar Sayed el-categories of people, and Mr. Mohammed Omar Shura farmer, and Ovid Fayez Abdel-Hamid Shura categories, bringing the number of independent to 56 candidates, mostly of the People.

The exclusion of 4 and 11 candidate lists for the people in Minya

Said Judge Mohammed al-Mirghani President of the Supreme Committee supervising the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council in Minia Governorate that a committee to decide on the appeals candidates of the People's Assembly decided to exclude papers candidates four party lists which 3 lists the department's northern party of equality, development and the Egyptian Federation of Arab and Egyptian Democratic and a list of the Freedom Party, the department, South Korea.
Also ruled out the papers of 11 candidates are Mohammed Ali Rashid, Omar Mohammed Abdul Latif circuit first and Ashraf Mohamed Ashour, Hamad Khalid Samadh and Mohammed boys and Mohamed Abdul Nabi Department II, Mahmoud Abdel-Moneim Mahrous and Anwar Abu Bakr, the third piece and Maher Muneer and Muneer Essa and Gamal Abdel Hady Balrabah .. The decision of exclusion due to incomplete nomination papers.
Committee also decided to examine the challenges to exclude a list of candidates Shura Egyptian Liberal Party and individual candidates for the seat are: Salah Ahmed Darwish, Ahmed Atana.
Chancellor Mirghani that the excluded have the right to appeal the decisions of the Committee before the Administrative Court within 7 days of the final declaration of disclosure and the court adjudicated within 7 days and also ruled enforceable and Ayuagaf only by virtue of the Supreme Administrative Court.

Skies of candidates for membership of the Council of People's Menoufia

The names of candidates for membership of the Council of the People (lists) the First Circuit


Freedom and justice - the balance of the electoral code



Sabri Mohammed Ahmed Amer



Badr Abdel Aziz Mahmoud Badr Falah



D. ... Idris Mohammed Saeed "Al-Karama"



Alaa El Din Hassan Mansour Abdul Ghaffar



Spring Suleiman Abdul Nabi Al-Kholi



Sami Abdel-Hamid Abdel-Al



Manal Abdel-Fattah Ahmed Yousef

Categories - Women


Mustafa Abdul Sami Farhat



Centre Party - the electoral code lamp circuit



Mr. Osman Mohamed Sobhy



Adel Tawfiq Abdullah Alsoufaty



Izzat Abdul Salam Mohammed Suleiman



Abdul Aziz al-Badawi Badawi Shoaib



Fawzi Hussein Mohammed Islam

Categories - Women


Ismail Abu Faraj on Geloh and fame Attia



Ahmad Jalal al-Din Mohamed Abdel Fattah Essa



Safwat Jamal Mohamed Allam



Party light - the electoral code lantern



Salah Abdul Idol, Mr. Fayed and Salah Abdul Idol fame



Atef Sayed Ahmed Qansuh



Abdul-Hadi Abdul-Majid Salim Abdul-Hadi and his reputation intact



Mohammed Abdul Rahim Ashish



Mr. Yassin Abdel Wahab Blabl



Mahmoud Abdel Latif Al Khader



Saad Mahmoud Hassan Hanot



Fatima prophetic Khudair

Falah - Women


Conservative Party - the electoral code tank



Fathi Khalil, Mustafa Sadiq



Said Abdel-Latif retribution



Salem Ibrahim Bayoumi Electroplating



Said Abu al-Kheir Abdul Latif marked



Hosni Mohammad Hassan



Noah Shawki Abdel Wahab Sharaf



Praise Mahmoud spark

Categories - Women


Raafat Fouda Hafez Al Ghazali



Freedom Party - the electoral code Nefertiti



Sibai Sibai Mohammed Murad



Adel Abdel Salam Gomaa Meghawri



Abdel-Fadil Fadil Ali Salem



Nabavi Kausar Hassan Habib



Mohamed Ibrahim Ahmed's speech



Abbas Ali Shehata Fathallah Bahrawy



Mohammed Hassan Ahmed Beauty



Ibrahim Mohammed Ibrahim Sonbol



Wafd Party - the electoral code Nakhleh



Isam Mohammed Abdel-Hamid morning



Jamal al-Din Muhammad Melegy



Najwa Hanna Habib (Christian)

Workers - women


Qutb, Abdel Moneim Omran pole



Shafei Shafei Abdel Wahed Mohamed



Ihab Diab Abdul Rahman Nassar



Tawfiq Abdel Alrav Amasha



Bayoumi, Mohamed Bayoumi



Egyptian Liberal - the electoral code ear of wheat



Sami Mustafa Moussa Fattouh



Hamdi Abdel-Fattah Fathi Shehab



Adel Anwar Hamid Saad Hammad



Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed Al-Jazzar



Nadia Labib, Mr. Al

Workers - women


Magdy Ahmed Abdel Fattah solutions to



Siham Abu Sayed Ahmed Ibrahim Fotouh

Workers - women


Maher Mohammed Hamid Mohammed and his fame Maher Coffee


The names of candidates for membership of the Council of the People (lists) the second district


Freedom and justice - the balance of the electoral code



Ashraf Mahmoud Badr al-Din



Mahmoud Abdel-Fattah Holiday



Ajlan gift gift



Nabih Ashraf Abdul Jalil Abdul Nabi



Said Musa Mohammed Attia Dehim



Jamal Mohammad Zayed



Nabil Hamid Hassan Almaaz



Nabila Ali Mattawa Moses and Moses fame Nabila

Factor - women


Wafd Party - Palm the electoral code



Mohammed Kamel Mohammed Hassan Kamel



Mahmoud Abu Saud Mercy blades



Prince Ahmed Abdel Kawi butcher



Fawzi Abdul Samad Mercy



Asim Ibrahim Yousef Shaalan



Nur al-Din Mustafa Hussein Gabriel



Zainab Abdul Rahim Abdul Sami Abu Zeid

Categories - Women


Sami Abdul Rahman Ahmad Abboud



Conservative Party - the electoral code tank



Magda Ibrahim bey

Workers - women


Mahfouz Taha Omar Eliwa



Said Mohamed Arafa, Arafa and fame knew Maher



Mr. Abdel Hamid Abdel Moez



Ibrahim Abdul Aziz Blabl



Ahmed Mohamed Abdul Nabi



Hussein Abdul Ghani Abdul Ghaffar Abdul Hafiz



Mr. Abdel-Fattah Abdel-Salam Al-Khawaja



Reform and Development Party - the key to the electoral code



Mr. Moustafa Awad



Mr. Ibrahim Hilmi Murad



Abdul Wahab Ali Tayel



Magdy Abdel Fattah Mohamed club and fame Mohammed Sharaf



Mr. Nabila Mohamed Afifi

Workers - women


Ahmed Kamal Ahmed Aqbis



Mohammed Mahdi Mohammed Mashaly Rajab al-Mahdi and his fame



Suleiman Suleiman Sami Shaaban Shaaban and his fame



Egypt's National Party - the electoral code missile



Mohammed Shafiq Mohammed Shahin



Fouad Ali Mohammad Al-Kholi



Nabil Abdel-beneficial Abdul Haq Abdul rest



Sameh Sayed Mohammed Saad Ghazoly



Mr. Metwally Khalil Saeedi



Abeer Hussein Abdul Sami Al-Najjar

Categories - Women


Sabri Abdel-Hamid Abdel-Hamid Hamid



Imad Sabri Ibrahim Hammad



Centre Party - the electoral code lamp circuit



Salah Abdel-Jaber Al-Ghoneim Isa



Sobhi Abdul Rasoul Mohamed El-Ghandour



Osama Abdel-Fattah Moses Friend



Mohamed Abdel Fattah Mahmoud Abdel Wanis



Fahmy Abdel-Latif Abdel-Latif to victory



Mohamed Abdel-Hamid Ahmed Khaled



Mr. Ahmed Abdel-Aty Cain



Iman Abdul Ghani Ashmawy Azzam

Categories - Women


Party light - the electoral code lantern



Jamal Mansour Mohamed Abdul Nabi



Full Abdelkader Salem al-Masri



Mostafa Mansour decent



Sobhi Abdul-Fattah Khalifa



Mohammed Abdel Razek Hassan Juma



Ahmed Ibrahim Kamel Ibrahim Othman



Mostafa Mahmoud opened the door



Ibtisam Mahmoud Samy peace

Falah - Women


Democratic peace - a car the electoral code



Saleh Abdel-Hakam Abdel-Hafez Salama



Single Fahmy Mohammed Zayed



Ramadan Ragab Mohamed fetch



Hassan Mohi-Din Hassan Abdullah



Adel Fahmy Adlan Zinati



Ashraf Abdel-Fri bloody molar



Magda Suleiman Saad Abdullah

Categories - Women


Mustafa Saeed Hassanein soldier

السماح بالكتابة بحسب النطق الصوتي
Committee overseeing the electoral process in Minia for the names of candidates for membership
PA system and individual symbols for the second district, based in police station
Bell, the bell and the centers of the enemy and Beni Mazar, which resulted in the exclusion of
Ashraf Mohamed Ashour, Khaled Hamdi benign, boys and Muhammad Ali, and Mohamed Abdul Nabi Muhammad,
And the acceptance of papers 56 candidates, namely:

Ahmed Ali Abdel Wahab Osman



Alaa El Din Mohamed Abdel-Fattah



Mohammed Hussein Mohammed Abdul-Latif



Alaa Kamel Abdel Rahman



Hesham Mohamed Ali Mohamed



Imad Abdullah Badawi



Single Ahmed Shawki Elhainy


Bunch of grapes

Hussein Abdel-Rahman Abdel-Al


Tennis racket

Mohamed Mohamed Abdullah Hassan Basil


Steering wheel freely

Ahmed Ahmed Sobhy Gad al-Mawla



Gamal Abdel rest Sholkamy



Ahmed Abdel Azim Abdel Sabour



Makram Mustafa Abdul-Latif



The success of Mohammed Ahmed Fathy



Mohamed Abdel-Hakim Ahmed



Abdul Alim Muhammad Abdul-Wahhab



Ahmed Abdel-Fateh righteous


And leaf

Yahya Abdul Aziz Rajab



Ali Fathi close



Ibrahim Bakri Shaarawi



Ramadan Moawad, Mohamed Hassan



Alaa Mohammed Jamal Mohamed



Ibrahim Abdel Raouf Abdel-Halim



Ahmed Abdel Mohsen and Ahmad Abu fame piece



Ramadan Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed



Mahmoud Said Ahmed Mohamed


Apple fruit

Hamdi Mohamed Khalifa



Mohamed Fathi Saleh Abdel-Azim


Network of football

Ali Hussein Ali Derbalh


Tea kettle

Alaa Jaber Khalifa Jaballah


Scouts lighting

Sobhy Ibrahim Mohammed Suleiman



Wafik Ibrahim Mohammed Hussain


Blender fluids

Dr. Mohammed Hhathgrayb Sholkamy



Osama Abdel-Gawad Grayani Grayani



Salman Hassan Ibrahim Hassan



Ayman Adham Ali Hussein



Unlike Mr. Mohammad Ali



Mr. Mohammed Saleh Ahmed


A tractor

Abdel-Halim Abdel-Halim Radi



Imad Ali Mohammed Hammam



Rafat Abdullah Khadr


Pump water

Amr Mahmoud Moussa Ali


Mail envelope

Taha Abdul-Hamid Abdullah Ali



Ahmed Hamdi Sholkamy


Machine promises

Mohammed Ibrahim Ali Algizawa



Hilal Hamdi Mustafa Khalil



Halim Halim Mahrous Farag


Cassette tape

Holiday Mohamed Abdel Gawad



Mohammed Hassanein Abdel-Hafiz



Mr. Muhammad Tariq


Traffic signal

Hatem Mustafa Halim Hafnaoui



Mohammad Qasim Ahmed Chikhoun



Osama Zaki Muhammad Ramadan



Magdy Abdel-Azim Ahmed


Cup water

Rajab Abdul Azim Abdul Ghaffar



Hijazi Mohammad Haroon Mohammed Falah



السماح بالكتابة بحسب النطق الصوتي
Allan payroll lists of the people and the Shura Council elections in the Red Sea, Menoufia, Fayoum

The Committee agreed to receive applications for membership of the People's Assembly and Shura Council Court of the Red Sea Trial, headed by Judge Salah al-Din Mustafa Mahareik and Justice Mohamed Mahmoud Ahmed Mohamed to accept the lists of partisan Egyptian Liberal, center, and the rejection of all appeals filed against the candidates individual, were also ruled out the Conservative Party for not completing his papers.
The number of independent candidates on the lists of individual candidate of the people 71 0.53 categories, and 18 workers, and 41 candidate Shura, 34 categories, and 7 workers, while the lists of lists of people 10 and 6 lists of Shura.
On the other hand give up Arab Party for Justice and equality for his appeal against a people Marchieddin of the Wafd Party, and has erased the Party Secretary General Hassan Abadi Arab Red Sea to withdraw the appeal papers from the Commission received the appeals.
In the same context, it was Wednesday to declare the names and final lists for elections to the People's Assembly and Shura Council Menofia after the end of the progress of appeals, which ruled out 6 of the candidates individually of the People, as a waiver of two members, while the exclusion of 6 listings for the parties of the People's Alliance Circle first, second and Egypt's national circuit First, reform and development department and the first democratic peace first circle and thus the final number of candidates of the People 203 individual seats and 15 list of lists by 7 and 8 of the first lists for the second.
At the level of the Shura Council elections has reached the final number of 64 candidates for the individual rate of 50 candidates for the categories and 14 of the workers and peasants as the number of lists into three lists for parties, freedom and justice - reform and development - and the center after excluding the seven lists of parties (Light - delegation - the conservatives - Egyptian Liberal - Egypt's national security - Freedom - Human Rights and Citizenship).
For its part, the Commission decided to examine the objections to the Court of Fayoum, headed by Judge Mohammed Ahmed Awadallah, excluding the list of party reform and development of the Shura Council of the nomination, and the enslavement of an individual candidate of the Shura Council and three candidates for the next elections.
And the list includes candidates Hussein Farouk Ibrahim - Mahmoud Mohamed Anwar - Osama Sayed Shaaban - and SOMIAH Ahmed Amin, and attributed the reason for exclusion, the failure of the second candidate, Mahmoud Mohamed Anwar Mahmoud completed an papers and provide a certificate of military service and social insurance certificate, as the exclusion of three candidates for the seat of individual Council people who are Mahmoud Nabil Saad Ali Party "Ahrar Egyptian" - Saber Abdel Karim Desouki "independent candidate" and Mai Mohamed Abdel Atti Party "reform and development.
It was also decided to exclude delightful Mahmoud Shaaban Abdel strong candidate for the Shura Council seat singles "independent" for failing to complete the papers
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


 The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt    The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt Icon-new-badge28/11/2011, 06:31

السماح بالكتابة بحسب النطق الصوتي
Announced that the committee supervising the elections of the Shura Council Dakahlia statements final symbols, on Tuesday evening, and received the Freedom Party and justice in solidarity with "Dignity" the code balance, and the Egyptian citizen on the icon to stop, and the delegation on the icon of The Palm, and the Union party to the code book open, and light on the icon lantern , and the Party on the icon of modern Egypt, the Sphinx, and the party of reform and development, the key code.

Also announced that the committee overseeing the names and symbols of the candidates on individual seats and numbered 85 candidates including 43 candidates, the First Circuit and 42 candidates, the second circuit, 10 candidates were excluded on the individual seat.

It is worth mentioning that the No. 1 in the nomination lists of the architect, Mr. Etribi Assistant Secretary-General of the National Party dissolved.
Declaration of 14 party list for the People's Assembly and Shura 7 of Ismailia

Announced the statements the final of the names and symbols of the candidates and party lists of applicants for the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council with the announcement of 14 party list of the People's Ismailia, 160 filter on my chair singles. With the announcement of the names of seven party lists and 72 candidate on my seat singles of the Shura Council.

The lists included the party of the People's lists of parties, the light and the delegation and the Freedom and Justice Party and awareness of the Egyptian and the Reform Party development and party, independent and new party, the Democratic Front Party and the Egyptian Liberal Party and Freedom Party and the People's Alliance Socialist Party of the Revolution and Egyptian Arab Party for Justice and Equality Party and modern Egypt and the Center Party.

The party lists included the names of the parties, the Shura Council delegation and the light and freedom, justice and the party of reform and development and the Egyptian Liberal Party and the Party and the new independent Arab party of justice and equality.
Events and facts

Declaration of the initial statements of the candidates of the people and the SC in the provinces
Declaration of the initial statements of the candidates of the people and the SC in the provinces

Announced on Wednesday the Commission on Elections of People's Assembly and Shura Council in Assiut, statements in the final at the individual and the list, and the number of candidates in parliamentary elections on individual seats 207 candidates, including 83 seats on workers and 124 seats on the categories, and the list is running 19 list, 11 of them by the Department First, and 8 for the second district the total of 152 candidates.

In the First Circuit, which includes the center and the city of Assiut, 73 candidates, including 32 on the seat categories, 41 on the workers and peasants, and in the second district, which includes centers Dairout and Qusiya and Manfalot running 43 candidates, including 26 categories and 17 workers and peasants.

The Third Circuit, which includes centers Abnoub, open, and the coast of sound and Badari is running 47 candidates 32 of them on the seat categories and 15 on the workers and peasants, and in the fourth district, which includes centers Abutej and Sadfa and Ghanayem running ELECTIONS 44 candidates, including 25 on the seat categories and 19 on the workers and peasants.

Also run for the people on the First Circuit, which includes centers of Assiut, Manfalot, Qusiya and Dairout and sections of the first and second Assiut 11 List, and they «Tomorrow, liberty, freedom and justice, the People's Alliance Socialist, and light, and the coalition bloc in Egypt and the EU and the delegation, and the reform and development, and the new center, and Democratic Peace, The lists of excluded parties «the front and Nazareth and the Egyptian National».

While running on the second district of the southern people, which includes centers coast sound and Badari, and Abnoub, open, and Sadfa and Ghanayem, and Abutej 8 lists are «freedom and a coalition bloc of Egypt, and the light and reform, development, delegation and tomorrow and the conservatives, freedom and justice», while the exclusion list of the Nazarene.

In the Shura is running 56 candidates including 40 seat category, and 16 on the workers and peasants on the individual independent, while fighting a 9 party lists illusion of freedom and justice, light, tomorrow, the Egyptian Social Democratic, and mass of Egypt, conservative, freedom, union, the New Wafd, Egyptian Liberal.

In the same context, it was announced the final statements of the names of the parties and their candidates in the elections, and the names of the independent individual seats as well as election symbols to them, which raised the anger of some of the candidates and admire each other.

He received the Freedom Party on the icon Nefertiti, and the balance of freedom and justice, and the tank for conservatives, Palm of the delegation, and the Sphinx of modern Egypt, and lantern to light, the key to the reform and development, and the candle of the Revolutionary Guards, and the light bulb of the center, and the rose of the Egyptian social, and the symbol of the torch was to the Party for Justice.

The big surprise was the exclusion of the judicial committee of five parties, one-time run on the list, a new centrist, democratic peace, the Egyptian social, and light and the delegation.

Due to the non-completion of nomination papers, Oadm military service, and remained parties freedom and the Revolutionary Guards, freedom, justice and the Free Egyptians, were also ruled out one candidate on the disabled individual, Mohammed Mahmoud Taya.

At the level of party lists for the people were excluded party list for the Egyptian revolution, from running, in addition to 4 candidates for the seats, and they Youssef Abdel-Salam, Hussein Ahmed Chmeit, and Arafa Abdel Fattah, Nubian Mohammed Ibrahim Saleem


1 - Mohammad Karim Sami Abdel Razek Ahmed Halima
2 - Mohammed Hassan Haridi
3 - Meselhy Fathy Baker lawyer
4 - Reda Mohamed Saqr

Menoufia Governorate:
1 - Mahmoud Fikri Fadil Mahmoud Abdel-Halim

1 - Mohammed Taha Mohammed Abu years
2 - Ahmed Farrag copper
3 - Abdul Majid Halabi
4 - Dr. / Ahmed Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Rasoul
5 - Professor / Wael Almchenb
6 - Ahmed Mohamed Najib Abdul Khaliq

Alexandria Governorate:
1 - Magdy Ahmed Mohamed Hassan
2 - Ibrahim Ahmed Essam
3 - Mr. Mansour Al Abdul Kafi
4 - Ahmed Aboul Fotouh Ashmawy
5 - Yahya Mustafa Kamel Mustafa Mahmoud
6 - Dr. / Ahmed Galal Mohamed fungoides

Maintain the lake:
1 - General / Farouk Hafez al Megrahi

The rest of the names will be included in all provinces

Tags: names of the candidates in the People's Assembly, the names of the candidates in the People 2011, the names of candidates for parliamentary elections, the names of candidates for elections to the Shura Council, the candidates in the People's Council, People's Assembly elections, the People's Assembly, Council of the People 2011

The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt
The names of the candidates of the People's 2012 Cairo symbols and
People's Assembly 2012 at the level of the Republic
The names of the candidates in the Department of Menouf Sadat in the elections of the People's Assembly and Shura Council
The names of independent candidates, Beni Suef, elections the People's Assembly and Shura Council Egypt 2011
The names of candidates of the Department of Beni Suef Samasta 2012
The names of candidates center Qena, Qift on individual seat
The names of candidates of the People's +2011 + Nasr City
The names of candidates, party delegation in the Department of North Eastern
The names of candidates of Damietta
The names of candidates, the Shura Council in Cairo
Candidate in the name of the people in the five districts of Giza name candidates wrapped
The names of party candidates Alnoran the fourth district of the Council of People's Assembly and Shura 2011
Shoura Council candidates in the Red Sea in Egypt
2011 elections the fourth district of Cairo, 2011
Picture of the candidate Atef Sabri
The names of candidates of the Shura Council by the Department within Peace Party 2011
The names of candidates of the Shura Council in Port Said 2011
Names of candidates for the parliamentary elections 2011 in Sohag
List of candidates of the People's independent circle BPA in October 2011
The names of candidates for election to parliament and the Shura Council in Suez 2011
Symbols of the candidates individually Shoura Council workers first circle of the Section on Giza
Supreme Committee for the 2011 elections, the Egyptian lists the names of voters Third Department of Beni Suef
Atef Sibai Yahya candidate NPC Gharbia 2011
The names of candidates of the People's Assembly and Shura Party Union Paswan
The names of candidates for membership of the People's Assembly and Shura Dakahlia 2011
The names of applicants for the nomination of the Council of People's Centre opening Assiut
Lists the names of candidates Shoura Council 2011 2012 circle Giza
Who are the candidates, political parties by the Department of Quisna 2011
Candidates for the Egyptian People's Assembly elections 2011
The names of candidates of the People's Kom Ombo 2011 2012
Names and symbols of the Shura Council candidates of the first circle section Giza workers
The names of the candidates the parliamentary elections 2011 Aswan Governorate
Candidates of the People Department Wasti 2011 after the revolution / 2012
Names excluded from the nominations of the Council of People's 2011 Cairo
Who are the Zein filed nomination papers for the parliamentary elections 2012 in Minya Governorate
The names of candidates, the third circuit in Alexandria individual independent of the Council of the People 2011
List of candidates of the Socialist People's Alliance Party in Assiut 2011 2012
The names of candidates from the Salafis of parliamentary elections 2011
List of party reform and development, 2011 in Sohag Governorate
Other names of the candidates in the constituency, the fourth Badakklheh
Statements of principle the Council of People's Aswan candidates
Names of the candidates for election to the People's Assembly 2011 Shebin Kom
What's New Balnbsa Tarek Ammar candidate for the Shura Council
The names of candidates and the symbols of the People's Assembly in Ismailia 2011
Final lists of candidates of the people first district Wafd Party
The names of all candidates of the People's singles and 2011 lists of Assiut Governorate

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Dr. / Essam Mohamed Abdel-Salam Yassin

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Professor Hany Abdel-Hadi Abdul Rasul Shaltout

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Hamid Mostafa Azab

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Amal Ibrahim Ahmed Hweiti

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Mahmoud Fikri Fadil Mahmoud Abdel-Halim
Posted 1 week ago

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Atwa Abdel Shafie goats

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Jamal Abdul Salam Khouly

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Isis Yahya Ahmed Radwan

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Mohammed Aserssa

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Khalid Hijazi

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
M / Ibrahim Rashad Abu Hassan Fathallah

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Nisreen Abu Fathi Agiza

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Abul Khair Abdel Shafi

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Atef Fahmy phase

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Professor / MOSSAD Kamel Hassan Aldnassoury lawyer

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Imad Al-Sawy

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Mr. Emad Zaki seriously

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Adel Tawfiq Alsoufany

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Osama Metwally Mohamed butcher

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Osama Abdel-Moneim Abu-Ghazaleh

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Amir Ahmad Jazzar

Candidates of the People | Menoufia
Dr. / Amer Tawfiq Abdel Razek
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The names of candidates for election to the People's Assembly and Shura 2011 in all governorates of Egypt
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