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 laser for hair removal

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


laser for hair removal Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: laser for hair removal   laser for hair removal Icon-new-badge25/6/2011, 05:05

Laser Hair Removal
The Hair Removal Journal is brought to you by the Patient's Guide, in conjunction with our Advisory Board, and our medical affiliates. With new technologies rapidly emerging, tedious or painful epilation methods, such as waxing or electrolysis can now be left behind for a better solution. The purpose of the Hair Removal Journal is to provide men and women interested in an alternative to shaving, specifically with laser hair removal, a credible resource to research getting rid of unwanted hair, including costs associated with the procedure, the number of treatments that will be needed, and any risks or side-effects.

The Science of Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal or "photoepilation" is a proven form of hair removal based on many years of clinical experience, research into properties of laser light, follicle growth and phases, and millions of procedures in medical clinics, spas & office locations around the world. The science of the procedure is based on proven facts surrounding the "theory of selective photothermolysis", which states that a laser beam applied to living tissue will have different effects on tissue components (in this case hair) depending on the absorption spectra. What this means in the case of laser hair removal is that hair (with its melanin pigment) can be successfully targeted with the proper wavelength of light energy. Over a decade of experience has shown laser hair removal is the proven solution for long-term, or in many cases, permanent hair reduction. Contact a specialist today for a consultation to learn more.

Doctor Supervised Clinic
In addition to providing a centralized resource to research epilation, we are also the nation's leading network of providers. Every location listed is prequalified for membership and must meet our strict guidelines for admission into the group. All members are doctor-supervised facilities in good standing in their home states and provide each patient with the highest quality treatments available.
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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: laser for hair removal   laser for hair removal Icon-new-badge25/6/2011, 05:05


There are essentially 3 classes of lasers used for laser hair removal on the market today. They are the Alexandrite, the Diode and the Nd:YAG. Also there are flashlamps known as intense pulsed light, which are used for hair removal. This technology is much more effectively used for conditions other than laser hair removal.

When reviewing the different lasers available, always remember that there are typically over 100 different settings that can be used with each laser. Results, therefore, are most dependent on the level of skill and experience of the operator. More importantly this pertains also to patient safety.


Alexandrite lasers are used on Fitzpatrick skin types 1 thru 5.

Device Type

Laser Name

Wavelength (nm)

Energy Output (Joules)

Pulse Length

Spot Size

Alexandrite/ Nd:YAG

UltraWave II

755 nm/ 1064 nm

5-500 J/ 10-23J

5-100 ms

2,4,6mm/ 2,4,6,10, 12 mm


UltraWave A

755 nm

5-95 J

5-20 ms

8, 10, 12 mm



755 nm

10-100 J


6-18 mm


GentleLASE Limited Ed.

755 nm

10-40 J

3 ms

10, 12, 15 mm


Apogee 9300

755 nm

50 J

5-40 ms



Apogee 5500

755 nm

50 J

5-40 ms


Alexandrite/ Nd:YAG

Apogee Elite

755 nm/ 1064 nm

300 J

0.4-300 ms

12, 15 mm


EpiCare LP

755 nm

150 J

3-300 ns

5-18 mm


EpiCare LPX

755 nm

250 J

3-300 ns

5-18 mm



755 nm

5-40 J

5-40 ms

60x65 mm
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: laser for hair removal   laser for hair removal Icon-new-badge25/6/2011, 05:06

Laser hair removal is a medical procedure that uses a laser — an intense, pulsating beam of light — to remove unwanted hair. During laser hair removal, a laser beam passes through the skin to an individual hair follicle. The intense heat of the laser damages the hair follicle, which inhibits future hair growth.

Laser hair removal is most effective for people who have light skin and dark hair. Although laser hair removal effectively slows hair growth, it doesn't guarantee permanent hair removal. It typically takes several laser hair removal treatments to provide an extended hair-free period. Periodic maintenance treatments may be needed as well.
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laser for hair removal
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