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 Beautiful words for optimism about life

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة


Beautiful words for optimism about life Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Beautiful words for optimism about life   Beautiful words for optimism about life Icon-new-badge17/11/2011, 17:02

How beautiful life when her look
B-side with a bright
And Maaajml Sunbeam Andmaa Chrriq
Golden rays "optimistic"

How beautiful optimism
And start the day with a smile bright
Let's look for the positive side of life
Consider that God's creation and Aabdall magic.
See the rose and the colors they give pleasure
Do not let sadness kill your heart
And let Satan whisper to you and you alone Johmk sad
Ttgraein pain and grief and toil
And others in Saaadh and joy
Anzerlalehyah next to a bright and happy
Convince yourself you are happy and echoed
And you have the Happiness Aspaab
Break the words of despair, optimism and joy
All Madahmk despair Let hope shine in
Your heart and scream out loud you are happy and not
Place for sadness in your heart
Trust in God a lot of confidence and look for the pigeon
The truth entrusted to God
And of trust in God He will suffice
Smile ... And let everyone around you is smiling for you
Smile ... Raahh in the smile and the health
Smiled .. [/ color] .. Life and let you shine bright colors
Smile ... Let joy revives Roouhk
Smile ... And trust in God and optimism
Smile .. And remember that after hardship comes ease

Maholk turned to see him and look bright and optimistic
Inevitably you will find beauty and happiness and satisfaction

Optimism and Gai to God Avrh your carpet
In the darkness of the night when people are asleep and quiet lives deferral
And insisting to pray and Attias

Read the Koran and Alkhhwooa Ask God when praying
Read and carefully and quietly mandates Vthag Tmamaponscherah chest
And hindsight WebMaster


The title of your day Atjal grief ..
Attias for when a problem occurs in your life or accidental
Vthag been removed completely when your optimism and calm your breath
When the Jak to your Creator

And remember,,
Not happy in this world has no problems!!
But happy are those who really learned how to live with those
Simple things that they have convinced the

Do not despair if your feet stumbled and fell into a large hole .. [/ color] .. You will get out and you are more coherent and stronger and God is with the patient ...

* If the Athzn Gdrick the people closest to you ... you will find you out of sadness and restore you to life and smile ...

Do not put all your dreams in one person ... and do not make your life
whole trip for one person love whatever his qualities ... Does not believe that the end of things is Nhihalm .. the universe is not what you see your eyes .. [/ color] ..

* Do not wait Baek lover .. [/ color] .. but you Antzermn shines new life ...

* Not trying to find the dream failed you and try to make the case of refraction of the beginning of a new dream ...

* Do not travel to the desert in search of Alohjaraljamilh you will not find solitude in the desert is ..

* Not looking for love in the heart of Baek will not only find love for himself ...

If yesterday is lost today ... Between your hands and if the day will
bring together his papers and leave. [/ Color] ... tomorrow ... you have
not to grieve yesterday he will not come back and regret the day it is
late and my dream is illuminated in the sun tomorrow beautiful ...

I sometimes Kdnatad of grief until it becomes part of us and champion
of a part of it, but if you do not find it Asaadk try yourself and be
happy because if you do not find it illuminates the way you try to walk
in the dark ...

* Sometimes Agrguena grief .. so get used to it and forget that in life things that we are pleased Ktherhimkn ...

around us and the many faces that can light up the darkness Oaamnahimh.
[/ Color] ... look for the heart gives you the light ..

Finally, the most beautiful in the last few days ago and it is the most
beautiful in the days it will go and present the most beautiful in the
days to come it did not come and most beautiful things in life that
there is a death

Live every moment of your life as if the last moment for you in life [/ color].
Nest of love and hope. [/ Color] .. Nest struggle and tolerance
He estimated the value of life and trust in God
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


Beautiful words for optimism about life Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Beautiful words for optimism about life   Beautiful words for optimism about life Icon-new-badge17/11/2011, 21:07

B-side with a bright
And Maaajml Sunbeam Andmaa Chrriq
Golden rays "optimistic
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Beautiful words for optimism about life
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